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Observing Reports
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January | February | March | April | May | June |
July | August | September | October | November | December |
December 2007 | ||
Date | Title | Author(s) |
31 | Short OR for short session - Coe 30 Dec 2007 | Matthew Marcus |
8P Tuttle on top of M33 | Mark Johnston | |
24 | Team Dioscuri and Celestial Sports.... | Mark Wagner |
21 | Mars, hot tub observing, and Saturn. A first light report. | Michelle Stone |
13 | A Winter's Day... | Mark Wagner |
11 | Monday, December 10, 2007 - A Whale of a time at Dinosaur Point | Albert Highe |
10 Dec 2007 Lake Sonoma | Carter Scholz | |
Lake Sonoma 12/08/07 | Bill Cone | |
09 | Lake Sonoma Saturday 12/8/07 | Steve Gottlieb |
Dino point 8 Dec 2007 | Mark Johnston | |
Dinosaur point 12-8-07 | Greg LaFlamme | |
Dino 12/7/09 | George Feliz | |
Dino Pt. -- 1 Trilobite, 2 Comets, 4 Fleas | Bob Jardine | |
05 | Dinosaur Point, Saturday 1 December | Jamie Dillon |
04 | Monday, December 3, 2007 - Dinosaur Point | Albert Highe |
02 | Dino point 1Dec2007 - A productive and fun night. | Mark Johnston |
01 | Skunked | Richard Ozer |
November 2007 | ||
Date | Title | Author(s) |
28 | mini-OR Holmes and Mars | Jamie Dillon |
20 | 17P/Holmes close to Alpha Per | Alexander Avtanski |
NASA & COE in November | Greg Claytor | |
19 | Moon, 11/18/2007: Fun with the fruits of the swap meet | Marek Cichanski |
18 | Big fun at Coe 11-17-07 | Greg LaFlamme |
17 | Lake Sonoma 11/13/07Lake Sonoma 11/13/07 | Bill Cone |
16 | Greg LaFlamme | |
15 | Steve Gottlieb | |
14 | Lake Sonoma last night | Bill Cone |
11 | Comet Holmes tonight | Alan Zaza |
10 | Short, but nice observation session tonight +new image | Vladimir Afanasiev |
09 | Putzin' and Postin' | Greg Claytor |
08 | MB Wed | George Feliz |
Lake San Antonio, Screech! Boom! crunch & thud-Run for cover!!! | Greg LaFlamme | |
Montebello Wed 7Nov07 Fog below for sweet skies above | Mark Johnston | |
Dino Point 11/03/07 | Bill Cone | |
07 | Henry Coe - 7.3.07 | Greg Claytor |
06 | Dinosaur Point 3 November | Jamie Dillon |
From the backyard | Pete Santangeli | |
04 | Dinosaur Point | Larry McGovern |
Dino Point Gathering - Great Fun, Company, and Skies. | Mark Johnston | |
yet another DIno OR 3 Nov 2007 | Matthew Marcus | |
Dino, 11/3-4/2007: Annie Commands the Sky again | Marek Cichanski | |
Chabot 11/3/07 | Bill Drelling | |
"Dino-Nite!" | Mark Wagner | |
Dinosaur Point, 4 November 2007 | Jay Reynolds Freeman | |
03 | First time at Lake Sonoma. | Greg LaFlamme |
Comet night at Houge Park | Mark Wagner | |
01 | Some thoughts and speculations on Holmes | David Kingsley |
Holmes From My Driveway | Greg Claytor | |
Holmes - short OR and last sketch, I promise! | Alexander Avtanski | |
October 2007 | ||
31 | 17p Holmes on Halloween | Bill Cone |
28 | Holmes from Moraga 10/28/07 | Bill Cone |
Holmes symmetry, fans, and orbits | David Kingsley | |
Holmes grows...Holmes grows... | Matthew Marcus | |
Bill Drelling | ||
17p Holmes from Houge Park | Rob Hawley | |
17p holmes + sketches | Alexander Avtanski | |
Holmes grows... | Jamie Dillon | |
27 | More fun with Holmes on Friday night. | David Kingsley |
26 | A quick look at Holmes | Alexander Avtanski |
Holmes, holmes on the range | Jay Critchfield | |
25 | Holmes, holmes on the range | Heather Steingreubl |
Pictures of Comet Holmes from yesterday and today. | Vladimir Afanasiev | |
Holmes mag estimate at mag 3.1 11:30pm (just now) | Mark Johnston | |
Rings and shells in Comet Holmes | David Kingsley | |
Holmes | Mark Wagner | |
Comet Holmes from home | Marek Cichanski | |
More Comet Holmes 17/P | Rich Neuschaefer | |
Alexander Avtanski | ||
John Pierce | ||
Comet brighter tonight than last | Michelle Stone | |
Comet 17/P Holmes short comments | Various authors | |
17P/Holmes Oct 25 | Jamie Dillon | |
Randy Muller | ||
Comet Holmes | Jeff Gortatowski | |
Holmes Comet in my backyard | Jay Critchfield | |
Comet Holmes 17/P | David Kingsley | |
Another comet Holmes report ... | Shane Raney | |
Naked Eye Comet 17/P Holmes (2007) | Ralph | |
More Comet Holmes 17/P | Mark Wagner | |
24 | Naked Eye Comet 17/P Holmes (2007) | Teri Smoot |
Another comet Holmes report ... | Vince Dee | |
Elementary, my dear Watson | Heather Steinbruebl | |
More Comet 17/P Holmes | Matthew Marcus | |
Comet 17/P Holmes | Christopher Hendrie | |
Comet 17/P Holmes short comments | Various authors | |
23 | Wild Geese | Christopher Hendrie |
22 | Sebastopol, CA | Bob Waltenspeil |
My first experience at Henry Coe Park | Vince Dee | |
21 | Sat 20 Oct 2007 Coe | Matthew Marcus |
10/20/2007: A nice public night at the Peak | Marek Cichanski | |
Yet another CalStar 2007 | Mark Johnston | |
19 | and a further CalStar OR | Jamie Dillon |
18 | OR October 18, 2007 | Michelle Stone |
17 | One More Calstar | Heather Steingruebl |
CalStar 2007 | Greg Claytor | |
15 | Shingletown, 10/13/07 | Teri Smoot |
14 | Shingletown, 10/13/07 | Shneor Sherman |
NOT Calstar - Lake Sonoma 10/13/07 | Dave Staples | |
CalStar | Bill Porte | |
Henri Coe 10/13/07 | Pete Santangeli | |
Fremont Peak 10/13/07 | Steve Gottlieb | |
13 | Stickman 2 | Greg Parker |
12 | Just got back from CalStar | Greg LaFlamme |
09 | The Bruce Peninsula is Dark, 2007-10-04 | Christopher Hendrie |
08 | Contemporary OR, Peak Saturday night | Jamie Dillon |
Fremont Peak last Sat. | Lou Hlousek | |
Quick OR | Alvin Huey | |
Coyote 10/7/07 | George Feliz | |
A "Quickie Observing Report" | Michelle Stone | |
07 | A Social Night At Coe | Greg Parker |
First-time visitor to Coe 10/6/07 | Elizabeth Oppenheimer | |
OR Sat 6 Oct 2007 | Matthew Marcus | |
Venus at noon | Pentti Kanerva | |
A Social Night At Coe | Mark Wagner | |
06 | Houge/Coe in ONE night! | Greg Claytor |
Alone at Coe, for a while | Greg LaFlamme | |
September 2007 | ||
26 | The moon in my neighborhood | Heather Steingruebl |
25 | A fortuitous Cascade | Greg Parker |
21 | Chris' Backyard | Greg Claytor |
20 | Cayucos, CA 9/13 & 9/15 | Shneor Sherman |
Peak Saturday night | Jamie Dillon | |
Willow Springs in the shadow of a 33" (9/15/07) | Steve Gottlieb | |
19 | High Sierra Star Party Sept 15 2007 | Christopher Kelly |
18 | Willow Springs Sept 15, 2007 | Mark Wagner |
Great Seeing in Backyard | Lou Hlousek | |
Mark Bracewell | ||
High Sierra Star Party Sept 15 2007 | Mark Johnston | |
16 | FP 9-15-07 | Alan Zaza |
Coyote Lake 2007-09-15, a mouse among truss lions | Christopher Hendrie | |
15 | Saturday night SW lot 8 Sept, mostly above the smoke | Jamie Dillon |
12 | Montebello #1, 20070911 | Christopher Hendrie |
MB 9/11/07 Old Friends | George Feliz | |
11 | Lake Sonoma 9/10/07 (Monday night) | Steve Gottlieb |
9 | Lick concert night (MOS) Saturday | Jeff Crilly |
Observing at Plettstone Sept 2007 | Mark Wagner | |
Fremont Peak OR for Sat Sept 8, 2007 | Mark Johnston | |
Quick Lake Sonoma OR | Matthew Marcus | |
8 | The Red* Planet visits Houge Park | Christopher Hendrie |
4 | Pinecrest OR | Greg Claytor |
3 | Sun/Mon 9-2/3-07 Backyard Newark | Dave Ittner |
Coyote Lake 9/2, poor seeing but good friends | Christopher Hendrie | |
1 | A Compendium of Aurigid Observations | various TACos |
August 2007 | ||
28 | A beginner's eclipse | Greg Parker |
A mid-summer nights eclipse | Jeff Gortatowski | |
Greg C's Eclipse | Greg Claytor | |
Lunar eclipse | Carol Widger | |
Lunar eclipse OR - early AM feeding with a bonus | Lance Boehm | |
8/28 lunar eclipse at Chabot | Stacy McDermott | |
Michael Swartz | ||
Couldn't wait | Matthew Marcus | |
Eclipse OR | Bill Drelling | |
Quite a few people at Houge Park for the eclipse | Rich Neuschaefer | |
26 | Daytime Meteor at Sequoia National Park | David Cooper |
25 | Coyote 18 August, Bruno's Galaxy | Jamie Dillon |
24 | Aug. 11-12, 07 Lassen Park | Glenn Talbert |
22 | OSP 2007 | Tony Franco |
Coe - 11 August - In Memory Of ... | Mark Bracewell | |
Solar activity??? | Jeff Gortatowski | |
Saturday night 11 August, Peak | Jamie Dillon | |
21 | Central Oregon 8/9, 8/11 & Willow Springs, 8/18/07 | Bill Cone |
19 | ISS and Shuttle pass | Alexander Avtanski |
Pete Santangeli | ||
16 | Wednesday night surprises | Jamie Dillon |
15 | A Surprise in the Small Sagittarius Star Cloud | Steve Gottlieb |
Another fantastic time at Plettstone | Carter Scholz | |
14 | Another fantastic time at Plettstone | Greg LaFlamme |
13 | The DARC Observatory 8/11/07 | Steve Gottlieb |
Crascent Valley, 8/11/07 | Shneor Sherman | |
Perseid Bolide | William K. Foster | |
My "Bill Gannon" Observing Report | Richard Navarrete | |
8/12/07, Fairfield School Davis | Matt Tarlach | |
La Honda Perseid OR | James Adams | |
My "Joe Friday" Observing Report | Mark Wagner | |
12 | 8/11/07 - Sublime Sand Harbor | Matt Tarlach |
5 | Montebello, Focusers and Tacos | Greg Claytor |
4 | How To Feel Letdown on a Good Night | Mark Wagner |
1 | Backyard OR - Nu Scorpii | Jeff Gortatowski |
July 2007 | ||
Date | Title | Author(s) |
31 | Backyard OR - Nu Scorpii | Mark Bracewell |
30 | NSP 2007 The Best Ever...... NOT!!!! | Tony Franco |
28 | GSSP and Sierra Buttes 2007 (Planetaries) | Glenn Talbert |
27 | Loitering in M24 | Jane Smith |
25 | Coyote Lake 2007.07.21 | Rob Jaworski |
OR 3: GSSP and Sierra Buttes (Globs) | Steve Gottlieb | |
24 | Sierra Buttes 2007 (Two southern HII complexes) | Steve Gottlieb |
23 | VZ13 and M3, 22 Jul 07 | Bill Parkhurst |
Comet VZ13 / M3 conjunction | Renato del Rosario | |
Fun in Ophiuchus and mini-M57 | Mark Johnston | |
The comet VZ13 meets M3 | Stacy McDermott | |
22 | Coyote Lake: Observing report. | Greg LaFlamme |
Steady seeing conditions at Bumpass! | Steve Gottlieb | |
Comet VZ13 / M3 conjunction | Dennis Beckley | |
Palomar 11 | Carter Scholz | |
21 | OR 1: GSSP and Sierra Buttes 2007 (Planetaries) | Steve Gottlieb |
20 | GSSP - Lassen Peak parking lot (2/3) | Alvin Huey |
Nu Scorpii | Jeff Gortatowsky | |
19 | GSSP - Lassen Peak parking lot (1/3) | Alvin Huey |
Monte Bello, 14 Jul 07 | Bill Parkwright | |
Small Ap OR | Carol Widger | |
Coyote, 12 July 2007 | Carter Scholz | |
Comet VZ13 | Remato del Rosario | |
Taking the boys to Lassen | Jamie Dillon | |
18 | Fremont Peak 14 July 2007 | Sean McCauliff |
Pictures! And a brief OR GSSP 07 | Sarah Jones | |
GSSP 2007 - Where The Myth Began | Mark Wagner | |
Mt. Lassen, 7/11-7/14 | Bill Cone | |
17 | Nu Scorpii | Bob Jardine |
My SSP 2007 observing report | Andew Pierce | |
Comet VZ13 | Darrell Lee | |
16 | GSSP 7/11/07-7/14/07 | Rob Enns |
Jupiter From Lassen | Richard Navarrete | |
Richard Ozer | ||
Comet VZ13 | Greg LaFamme | |
Mark Wagner | ||
Michelle Stone | ||
Rob Hawley | ||
15 | Another GSSP O.R. | Greg LaFlamme |
GSSP | Richard Navarrete | |
13 | My SSP 2007 Report | Darrell Lee |
11 | GSSP Observing Report (7/11/2007-7/14/2007) | David Cooper |
7 | Peak Last Saturday | Jamie Dillon |
6 | Comet VZ13 | Dennis Beckley |
3 | Its Summer Again! | Jeff Gortatowsky |
1 | Venus and Saturn putting on a nice show | Jeff Gortatowsky |
William Schultz | ||
June 2007 | ||
Date | Title | Author(s) |
29 | Dark place to see Moon Venus and Saturn | Karen Aziz |
22 | Houge Park | Mark Wagner |
20 | Last Morning Observing in Oz - 6/20/07 | Shneor Sherman |
19 | ISS and Space Shuttle flyover | Randy Muller |
18 | Mid-day Venus sighting! | Bob Czerwinski |
17 | Fremont Peak 6/17/07 | Rob Enns |
16 | Serious fun at Plettstone, 16 June | Jamie Dillon |
14 | Making Lemonade at Michelle's... | Mark Wagner |
12 | Observing at Magell6/12-13/07 | Shneor Sherman |
11 | More Observing in Oz... | Shneor Sherman |
9 | Rancho Seco Park | Dax Castro |
Observing At Magellan, NSW, Australia | Shneor Sherman | |
Using O-III filter on Jupiter (no, not it's ghost) | Mark Johnston | |
Peak last night | Jamie Dillon | |
Nice Night At Lick | Rich Neuschaefer | |
Surprisingly great night | Richard Ozer | |
Coe, you were wonderful last night! | Greg LaFlamme | |
Amazing night at Coe | Mark Johnston | |
OR: Coyote 6/9/07 | Rob Hawley | |
8 | Omega Centauri From Montebello Last Night | Mark Johnston |
May 2007 | ||
19 | Plettstone, 5/19/07 | Bill Cone |
Saturday night 19 May SW lot | Jamie Dillon | |
17 | 5/17-18/2007: Spelunking for Galaxies, the Heroic Hop, and more | Marek Cichanski |
12 | Fractional OR: 5/12/07 | Shneor Sherman |
Short IHOP on 5/12/07 and Lake Sonoma on 5/14/07 | Steve Gottlieb | |
Short OR from 5/12/07: Ice House Observation Plateau (IHOP4) | Steve Gottlieb | |
Coe, Coe, Coe! | Rich Neuschaefer | |
Coe, Coe, Coe! | Richard Navarrete | |
Coe was a winner! | Mark Wagner | |
OR from inside a cloud | Rob Hawley | |
10 | Peak, 5/10-11/2007: Coma-B, Cor-Bor, and Beyond | Marek Cichanski |
8 | Montebello Tuesday 5/8/2007 | Chris Li |
6 | Short OR for MB / 41 Panoptic sale.. | Greg LaFlamme |
MB, Sun 5/6/2007 | Marek Cichanski | |
April 2007 | ||
| Montebello 4/18 | Pentti Kanerva |
Montebello 4/18 | Rob Hawley | |
| Coyote April 15 | Rob Hawley |
| Island of Moorea in French Polynesia | David Kingsley |
Lake Sonoma on Saturday 4/14/07 | Darrell Lee | |
Star Hill Inn 4/14/07 | Steve Gottlieb | |
| Moorea, April 12 to 20, 2007 | David Kingsley |
Montebello Just ok and mabe a bit better than expected (less wind) | Mark Johnston | |
| Great Springtime Observing From Coyote Lake Park Last Night, 4-9-07. | Peter Natscher |
March 2007 | ||
| 2006 VV2 Found it. | Mark Johnston |
| Ohh Saturn's moons,,, | Greg LaFlamme |
| Short Messier Marathon Observing Report | Mark Buxbaum |
| Sun 3/18/2007: MBMMM | Marek Cichanski |
| Winds in the Willow 3/17/07 | Bill Cone |
Willow Springs 3/17 (Sat) | Bob Jardine | |
Galaxies in Columba | Jamie Dillon | |
Return to Fremont Peak (I musta been drunk)... | Mark Wagner | |
3-17 at Fremont Peak | Denis Lefebvre | |
Fremont Peak on St Patty's day/night | Mark Johnston | |
About Coe last night ;-) | Greg LaFlamme | |
Coyote Lake - 17 Mar 2007 | Rob Jaworski | |
2006 VV2 Found it. | Rob Hawley | |
Coe on St Patrick's day (brief) | Jay Reynolds Freeman | |
| 03/16/07 Lake San Antonio (no MM) | Géza Kurczveil |
Brief OR from Coe (Fri) | Rich Neuschaefer | |
| MB, 3/15/2007: Dialing 'em in | Marek Cichanski |
| Lake Sonoma Sunday night 3/11/07 | Steve Gottlieb |
Henry Coe 3/11/07 | Rob Enns | |
| What a crew at Coe | Jamie Dillon |
Bon Appetit! | Mark Wagner | |
Consolation prize | David Kingsley | |
February 2007 | ||
| Quick Moon OR, 2/28/2007 | Marek Cichanski |
| IHOP-4 2/17/07 | Alvin Huey |
| Coe was good enough last night for the desparate | Mark Johnston |
Lake Sonoma 2/16/07 | Steve Gottlieb | |
Lake Sonoma 2/16/07 | Bill Cone | |
OR from Coyote Lake | Rich Neuschaefer | |
January 2007 | ||
| OR Toro Park 20 January | Jamie Dillon |
Coe for Sat 1/20 ... good company ... bit windy with not-so-hot seeing | Mark Johnston | |
OR: LSA 01/20/07 | Géza Kurczveil | |
| Comets at high noon! | John Alfonso |
OR: Coe 1/14 | Rob Hawley | |
| OR: Lake Sonoma on Saturday 1/13/07 | Steve Gottlieb |
OR: Lake Sonoma 1/13/07 | Bill Cone | |
OR Fremont Peak 1/13 (Sat) | Bob Jardine | |
Comet McNaught in daylight again ... | Jay Reynolds Freeman | |
Another McNaught daylight observation ... | Jeff Crilly | |
| McNaught second time on Saturday evening | Jamie Dillon |
Finally saw McNaught | Paul Sterngold | |
McNaught from Emeryville: Snow and the cheap binos | Bill Cone | |
More McNaught, more snow | Marek Cichanski | |
McNaught & snow blindness | Jim Feldhouse | |
Daytime Mc-Not Easy In Binos | Mark Wagner | |
Nuttiest Bay Area observing experience EVER: Comet, blue sky, and snow | Marek Cichanski | |
Daylight McNaught and danger | Leonard Tramiel | |
Comet McNaught from Windy Hill | Bob Jardine | |
| Comet McYes! | Dennis Beckley |
3 nights of comet viewing | Bill Cone | |
McNaught from Santa Clara and San Jose | Alexander Avtanski | |
Comet McNaugt from Skyline and Hwy 92 | Albert Highe | |
Comet McNaught from Menlo Park, 1/11/07 | Pentti Kanerva | |
Comet McNaught from Santa Clara | Kevin Schuerman | |
McNaught from Fremont | Darren Hutchinson | |
| McNaught from Benicia | Darrell Lee |
| Brightening comet, by camera and eye | Greg LaFlamme |
Montebello 1/9/07 | George Feliz | |
Comet McNaught from the Berkeley Hills, 1/09/07 | Bill Cone | |
McNaught from Santa Clara | Alexander Avtanski | |
McNaught Report : 01/09/07 | Tony Franco | |
Montebello, Monday Jan 9 -- warm, breezy, with winter albireo and Harry Potter | Dan Wright | |
| McNaught from Coe | Steve Winston |
Comet McNaught once more
| ||
7 | Comet Hunters at Santa Cruz | James Turley |
Carpe noctem and bird in the hand observing | David Kingsley | |
Yes from Santa Cruz | David Kingsley | |
Comet McNaught From Pacific Grove, CA | Peter Natscher | |
NcNaught Nailed | James Adams | |
Comet McNaught observed | Ray Cash | |
6 | Comet McNaught from Carmel Beach | Diane D'Urso |
1 | Social observing on Skyline 1/1/07 | Pentti Kanerva |