March 28, 2010: March 13 and 15th from Arkaroola Observatory in Southern Australia

Mark Johnston

This OR will be a posting of my reports for the night of March 13 and 15th where I was given the keys to the Mark Oliphant and Reginald Sprigg observatories that are next to each other and on top a tall hill just north of the Arkaroola Resort in Southern Australia.

I am going to write a lot then present the 2 ORs (separated by double lines) because I want to drop tips for those who follow so they learn from my lessons/mistakes. First off I read MANY ORs from lots of TACos as part of my HUGE number of up-front prep/research and this if nothing else is highly recommended. Make your time at the eyepiece count, it is gold.

Doug Sprigg is the generous and very friendly owner of this resort and encourages astronomy with local southern sky party every year as well as regular star tours to his guests at the resort who sign up for such tours. Many thanks go to Doug who is an expert in local Geology and plantlife but also very much a lover of the South Skies. Location is 139 20 East, 30 18 South The use of his scopes was to prove beyond my expectations and I am grateful he allowed me to use these instruments from such a wonderful site he has by his resort.

My wife and I went from San Francisco to Sidney and then a direct hop to Adelaide. I highly recommend anybody doing this not just accept Orbitz schedules and be very sure to leave 3 hour stopover in Sidney, you may ask me offline why but there are great delays in the stopover. Once in Adelaide we drove up through Clare valley to wine country much like California hill country and stayed at Port Augusta the 1st night. I recommend driving out to Horrocks Pass for your 1st night with binoculars or visual OR a scope if you brought one. It is not entirely level but a site much like Lone Rock with very little traffic but great wide open south sky. I took binoucular OR which is not posted as of yet.

My wife, Maggie, and I went all over the place by day (for a FANTASIC set of day trips) so I had VERY VERY little time to 'regroup' for observations. Instead I spent literally a few months getting ready with tons of detailed lists and charts and telrad patterns and my pc and so on and so fourth. HIGHLY recommend serious prep as your time at the eyepiece is priceless. Also HIGHLY recommend getting real nice very wide full-field sky pictures like from Starry Night Pro and study them like crazy (with and without constillation lines) This allowed 1st time under the south sky to recognize things with comfort (EXCEPT PAV with is a huge and extremely dim suckka and where I had a few difficulties in recognition)

Drove up to Arkaroola well up north that involves 100km of fairly well graded dirt road but I suggest you drive over the road oscillations (due to grater) that happen every once in a while 60-70km/Hr because if you go slow it just gets worse. You will get where you are going much faster AND that is what ALL locals do. Get past the natural frequency of the bumps and your suspension.

This OR covers 13th and 15th because the 14th was a bit of a skunk and I gave up with full blanket of clouds still around 12:30am on the 14th. The 13th started with complete clouds and then opened up to a wonderful sky but only after around 11:30pm. 15th was open the entire night and absolutly amazing but I was a bit dehydrated so quite about 1am (yes that was painful to leave then but the next few days made up for it). Conditions varied from very nice on the 13th (21.6 ish on 13th by 11pm with extreme steady seeing and very good transparency and 6.6+ NELM to fantastic on the 15th (21.74 mag/ArcSec, 6.8NELM, fantastic seeing).

Below are my 2 ORs that are written to date and I have 2 more to go so will post both of those as final post later. Sometimes I used a Celestron 14" SCT with a focal reducer to bring it to f/7. This is on a real nice pier and EQ mount. It has tracking that I only used a little as I was very happy with push-to and it's telrad. I shifted to the BinTel 12" f/5 dob (very very much like Orion 12") and used no Paracor till later nights (left it in room this night as I was going to use 14" but shifted to dob once I saw the dob was very nice. I need to research what mirror was in the BinTel 12" because it was very nice.

When I had no number for objects within the LMC or SMC you will notice I say MysteryObject. I will try to figure out what these are once I find a better LMC/SMC reference. At more than one point in the LMC, WHICH I had spent TONS of time trying to get ready for with detailed pictures, I on tape say things like 'Cripes, there are objects all over the place'. Most are dim, tiny 20-30" clusters but there are tons of nebulous regions with no numbers in MegaStar with DSS and megaStar has a huge number of catalogs. Also many Ngc numbers in the LMC cannot be found with MegaStar and may be labeled with other designations or not labeled at all. Refer to NGC/IC Project and do mini-chart dumps of those to paper before you go for the 'interesting' multi-object packed regions in the LMC.

I did not take down sizes in many cases as this was my 1st real LMC night and I wanted to 'stop and smell the roses' so I am very happy with that approach even though observations were 'minimal' on many of these objects.

Arkaroola  Sat 13Mar10   Observations from 11:30pm till 2:25am.  21.6

Observers:  Mark Johnston, solo trip.
Arkaroola Location:  139 20 East, 30 18 South
Sky was cloud covered then started to clear at 11 then all clear by 11:30.

Southern sky never seen objects.

Date: 3/13/2010  Site: Arkaroola  Scope: 14SctF7   Obs: 23
NELM: 6.6  see: 4  trans: 4  sqm: 21.6

con: Car     lst: C92,SSAL cmt: EtaCarinaeNebula:
 NGC 3372     Eta Carinae Nebula  and Eta Carinae star itself
 BrtN         120.0'                  E                  SKY 10 44 00.0
-59 30 00
 11:30 35mmPan   > 60' and Entire field and more in size.  Stunning view
with huge amounts of contrast and bright stars in clusters or not
appearing here and there for added charm.  Huge dark lane shows as a
giant V.  Keyhole dark nebula is just to west of eta star as a lightly
oblong like a guitar shape but not totally black.   5mm Nag is 5' in
len  mouth of guitar has a light spot with averted.   EtaCar star blooms
towards keyhole mouth and the color is a distinct yellow-orange.   1'
yellow glow around the star then a break in darkness encircling the
homunculous yellow nebula.  Then white light nebula starts up after the
darkness.  The SCT has some collimation issues so will do homunculous
detail another night.  [NOTE: A far more detailed homunculous
observation and observation of this entire area with surrounding objects
was to come 2 nights later]

I made a few observations of 3324 but noise from motors made it very
hard to hear and
this object was better observed on 3-17 so I will not detail it here.

 con: Car   lst: C91,SSAL
 NGC 3532  Cr 238  Mel 103
 Open   3.0   55.0'        150   8.0  II 3 r             LYN 11 05 30.0
-58 44 00
 11:45pm 35mmPan 71x 60'x45'  Similar mag stars, Bright CStar N of
center, EW dark lane. Obvious standing out from background. SW side has
apparent dark area.  Far WSW is bright carbon star.  Note: A binocular
observation from 3-12-2010 describes this as resembling a large EW 2x1
'fish' shape from Horrocks pass.

 con: Dor   lst: C103,SSAL   cmt: TarantulaNebula:
 NGC 2069
 BrtN         18.0x11.0'              E                  UNK 05 38 30.0
-69 07 00
 11:50pm 16mmNag 156x 20' size.   No filter (NPB seemed worse) This
appears to me as a face (like a monkey).  Eyes to north side.  Big hole
to East with filliment. Out of north is fat nebulous arm that splits to
2 medium tendrals to North. Out of south is broad nebulous region
similar size to central main 'head'.

 NGC 2070
 Open   8.3    5.0'        ---  ---                      BAA 05 38 42.4
-69 06 03
 12:05am 16mmNag 156x 50 stars, about 20 resolvable.  slight NS EL.

 NGC 2060
 Open          2.0'        ---  ---   III m n            BAA 05 37 48.0
-69 10 18
 12:10am 9mmNag 280x Cluster is apparent here.  Nebulous with darker,
lower nebuloscity break to it's east.

 con: Tuc  lst: C106,SSAL
 NGC 104
 Glob   4.0   50.0'       11.7  14.1       ---    ---    BAA 00 24 05.2
-72 04 51
 12:15  16mmNag 156x 15' obvious size.  High concentrated and small 1.5'
dia central core.  Very gradual fading.  Massive numbers of resolvable
stars.  Maybe slightly less concentrated on the East.

 con: Tuc  cmt: SMC:
 NGC 121
 Glob          1.5'       ---   ---        ---    ---    BAA 00 26 41.3
-71 31 24
 Tuc  HiPrio SW100  30' E of 47Tuc
 12:20am 5mmNag 500x 1' len  2EL 60dPA sort of a feel to it.  NW of SMC
but just N of Tuc 47.

 NGC 395
 Open          1.5x 1.5'   ---  ---                      NGC 01 05 09.9
-71 59 39
 12:25am 9mmNag 280x 1' len 2EL 90dPA. Averted only, direct looses it.
Less obvious than 371

 NGC 371
 Open          7.0'        ---  ---   n                  NGC 01 03 33.3
-72 04 38
 12:27am 9mmNag 280x  3.7' dia  brighter than 395.  Broad, 8 stars
resolvable in the midst of nebulous area.

 NGC 346  Lind 60
 Open  10.3    5.2'        ---  ---   n                  BAA 00 59 06.0
-72 11 00
 Tuc SuperHiPrio  SSAL   NNE just East of  330
 12:30am 9mmNag 280x  2' len  3EL 160dPA Much brighter than 371.  Tight
2 stars NS aligned.  Most of brightness on NW side of total nebula.

 NGC 330
 Open   9.6    2.0'        874  12.6                     NGC 00 56 18.4
-72 27 48
 Tuc SuperHiPrio  SSAL   NNE just west of 346
 12:33am 9mmNag 280x  1.2' size 1.5EL  Bright.   Some stars resolve.

 NGC 361  Kron 46  Lind 67
 Open          1.6'        ---  ---                      BAA 01 02 11.3
-71 36 25
 12:35am 9mmNag 280x  Tiny glow near FS to it's NW. No resolvable stars.
30' N of 371.

 NGC 419  Kron 58  Lind 85
 Open  11.2    2.4'       1762  15.4                     BAA 01 08 19.5
-72 53 02
 12:40am 9mmNag 280x  45" round no resolvable stars. Round fading glow.
N corner of EQ Tri with 2 other FStars

Big time period of just shuffling papers.   I think only missed 416 but
recapped after starting tape.

 NGC 416  Kron 59  Lind 83
 Open  12.6    1.2'        985  15.3                     BAA 01 07 59.0
-72 21 19
 12:45am 9mmNag 280x  < 30' round.   fainter than 419. No resolvable stars

 lst: C104,SSAL
 NGC 362
 Glob   6.8   14.0'       12.7  15.4       ---    ---    BAA 01 03 14.3
-70 50 54
 12:50am 9mmNag 280x 4.5' obvious dia  Medium concentrated. Less conc
than 47 Tuc.  SSE has a bit more stars off to that side of concentrated
section.  Overall fairly spherical.  Maybe not as many members on NE

 con: Car  lst: SSAL,C96    cmt: MJ_SpeckledManCluster:
 NGC 2516  Cr 172  Mel 82
 Open   3.8   29.0'         80   7.0  I 3 r              LYN 07 58 00.0
-60 45 00
 1:10am 35mmPan 71x 30' main len 2EL NS orientation.  About 50 stars
Naked Eye visible.  Obvious from background and many tiers of
magnitudes.  Impressive.   Like a man with 1-star head to the south.
Carbon star on W side of body.  Feet both point to E at far N of
cluster. Head is 1 star spaced by small gap. 1 leg bends to N in arch.
Other one sticks out NW with a foot straight E (brighter stars).  Arm on
West comes out and drops North.

con: Vel  lst: DM,SSAL,C85
 IC 2391  Cr 191
 Open   2.6   49.0'         30   4.0  II 3 m             LYN 08 40 18.0
-52 55 00
 1:20am 35mmPan 71x 3EL EW  15-20 stars  Very very bright star a NNE
end, 5-8 tier2 stars.  Very open.  Two Tier2 stars just south of main
mag Tier1 northern star.  Far east is two tighter stars of 2nd Tier mag

 con: Car  lst: SSAL
 NGC 2808
 Glob   6.2   14.0'       13.5  16.2       ---    ---    BAA 09 12 02.6
-64 51 47
 1:37am 7mmNag 360x 3.6' obvious size.  Sugary averted.  Some resolution
averted. Fairly high concentration.  No streamers noted.  Slight notch
perhaps on S edge.  Maybe also darker on NW.

 con: Car  lst: DM,SSAL  fav: F3
 NGC 3114  Cr 215  Mel 98
 Open   4.2   35.0'        171   9.0  II 3 r             LYN 10 02 42.0
-60 06 00
 1:40am 35mmNag 71x 30'x15' NSxEW  200 stars.   1 Real bright member to
south.  8 Tier 2, rest all similar mag.  Naked Eye visible.  Bright star
on southern side. Large gap on Easter area. Long line of 6 or so stars
border the far Northern edge. Stands out medium in eyepiece.   Note: A
binocular observation from 3-12-2010, Horrocks pass, describes this as
resembling a spider due to central ring as body and several legs
extending out that I describe in that OR to more detail.

 con: Cen  lst: DM,C80
 NGC 5139
 Glob   3.9   55.0'       11.5  14.5       ---    ---    BAA 13 26 45.9
-47 28 37
 1:45am 16mmNag 156x 16' obvious size. Slight EW elongation.  Light
concentration with slow fade. Extreme sugar texture.  Lots of stars
resolving.  One void slightly to south of center and one slightly to N
of center. Averted shows 2 small darker areas in line NS with fine ridge
of stars between them.   From North one is darker lane N that arches to
the E.  Absolutely stunning!

 con: Mus  lst: SSAL,C108
 NGC 4372
 Glob   7.2    5.0'       12.2  15.6       ---    ---    BAA 12 25 45.4
-72 39 33
 2:08am 9mmNag 280x  5-6' obvious size.   Very low concentration, 20 or
so resolvable stars. Appears like even open cluster. like a smudge.
Bright FStar just off of NW edge.

 con: Mus  lst: SSAL,C108
 NGC 4833
 Glob   8.4   14.0'       12.4  15.5       ---    ---    BAA 12 59 35.0
-70 52 29
 2:20am 9mmNag 280x  4.5' obvious dia.  Low concentration but some
center concentration. Slightly globular.  Bright FS on N edge. Brighter
than 4372

 Shutdown 2:25am


Arkaroola  Mon 15Mar10   Observations from 9:30pm till 12:00am.  21.7+

Observers:  Mark Johnston, solo trip.
Arkaroola Location:  139 20 East, 30 18 South
The 14th was all clouds.  Clear all this night but observatory in use
till 9:30

Southern sky never seen objects with this night the my first real good
but general LMC run.
For the LMC objects I did not take super detailed descriptions on the
most part but kept to general brief observations because LMC is just
frankly a lifetime project so I wanted a broad overview more than
clinical detail.  On 3-17-2010 a few nights later I went back to focus
on a few areas I had felt were nice and had detailed DSS printouts of
for a closer look.

Date: 3/15/2010  Site: Arkaroola  Scope: 12DobF5   Obs: 84
NELM: 6.8  see: 5  trans: 5  sqm: 21.74

Scope: 14SctF7
con: Hor   lst: SSAL,C87
 NGC 1261
 Glob   8.3    6.8'       13.5  16.8       ---    ---    BAA 03 12 15.3
-55 13 01
 8:53pm  7mmNag 360x  3' apparent dia  Low concentration.  Slightly NS
look to it.  Averted shows shugarry look, low concentration to edges.
FStar ENE by 5 min.  Some jutting out to Northern side with
almost-resolving star spikes.  PostNote: It is larger but as usual if
you cannot pick out the outter stars I tend to get much smaller
'apparent size' than per the book.

Scope: 12DobF5
Moved to 12" BinTel Dob after collimating it.  Time for LMC

con: Dor      cmt: LMC_TarantulaNebula:   fav: F5
 NGC 2069
 BrtN         18.0x11.0'              E                  UNK 05 38 30.0
-69 07 00
 9mmNag 9:40pm Lumicon O3 filter.  Wide-mouthed deamon head with ear to
the left goes up and is defined.  Nostrel to the right is the bright
center of a large clump of field stars [PostNote: must be 2070], perhaps
core stars of 2070. Bridging to right then small dark area, nebulous
vertical land then broad dark area as big as head, then wispy.
Below the chin there are dark round areas below and to right of chin and
two dark areas below and to left of the chin. so 3 across.  Now to below
chin is dark area then to right is another dark circle to the right.
Nebulous area below the dark circle below right of chin has bright
nebulous lower (E) boundry with dark area farther E and faint nebulous
far E boundry to this dark area.
The goblin's big ear goes out to the left then turns up, W, before it
splits to 2 prongs and the whole ear as tall as the head.    Moving
north of the ear is a dark channel parallel to the ear then light again.
Then above the head is a bit of a hump in nebuloscity with another dark
area above the eye to the right and nebuloscity extending up twice the
height of the head.
There is a separate area of nebuloscity around a fair sized grouping of
stars that is distinct and round and as big as the large mouth of the
goblin. The round nebulous to the south-west is distinct enough to be an
object [PostNote: must be Ngc2060].

con: Dor      cmt: LMC:
 NGC 2081
 C+N           5.0'                   E                  NGC 05 40 05.3
-69 24 06
 10:15pm  9mmNag 170x 5-6 resolvable stars. Averted vision required to
see the loop around the cluster area. There is a noticable knot in
nebuloscity on the south side of the ring of nebulous area.

 NGC 2074
 Open          1.0'        ---  ---                      BAA 05 39 02.7
-69 29 41
 10:17pm 9mmNag 170x  Much brighter than 2081 nebulus region.  Bright
half circle starts on NW, loops around the north still bright then
continues looping around East, still bright, then dims as it thins out
in the loop back CCW down to the south side.

 NGC 2080
 Open          0.7'        ---  ---                      BAA 05 39 44.6
-69 38 42
 10:17pm 9mmNag 170x Very bright and concentrated nebula.  Thins and
2077 is dimmer to SSW

 NGC 2077
 Open          0.6'        ---  ---                      BAA 05 39 34.9
-69 39 19
 10:20pm 9mmNag 170x Dimmer than its neighbor of 2080 but seems separate
with darkness between the 2. Just below 2077 there seem to be 2 even
dimmer and smaller nebulous areas before the dark gap that will separate
this from 2079/2083 area.  To the west is FS with nebuloscity to its
west then

 NGC 2085
 Open          0.4'        ---  ---                      BAA 05 40 09.2
-69 40 21
 10:22pm 9mmNag 170x Noticed as dimmer than 2080 as a field star with
nebuloscity to WSW

 NGC 2086
 C+N           0.3'                                      NGC 05 40 12.3
-69 40 04
 10:25pm 9mmNag 170x Noteced just to east as fuzzy area just to east of 2085

 NGC 2083  NGC 2084
 C+N           3.5x 2.5'                                 NGC 05 39 58.8
-69 44 56
 10:25pm 9mmNag 170x This area appears as 3 nebulous areas.  2083 is
second brightest and to the East.  I describe a third object as between
brighter 2079 and 2nd tier 2083 but I think it is part of 2083.
[PostNote: Bright part of 2083 is denser star area to NE of this group]

 NGC 2079
 C+N           0.8'                   E                  NGC 05 39 40.2
-69 46 25
 10:30pm 9mmNag 170x Brightest of 3 nebulous areas in 2083 group.
Smaller than area to East but brightest surface brightness.

 NGC 2078
 C+N           0.4'                   E                  NGC 05 39 40.1
-69 44 36
 10:30pm 9mmNag  170x I noticed this as a tiny, dim NW corner of a 'box'
but dim compared to other corners.

 Mystery_Object  16' E of 2083
 10:34pm  9mmNag 170x  A definite nebulous round area which is half way
to 2013 which I did not note in my tape but does show up on DSS so I
circle it on my chart.  Not on Uranometria either.

con: Dor  cmt: LMC_TheGrapes:   Tape: 14min

 NGC 2058
 Open  12.0    1.0x 1.0'   ---  16.0  I r                NGC 05 36 54.3
-70 09 48
 10:35pm  9mmNag 170x One of two dominant clusters of this group.
Larger and very obvious but no resolved stars.

 NGC 2059
 Open  12.9    0.4x 0.4'   ---  ---                      NGC 05 37 00.9
-70 07 40
 10:35pm  9mmNag 170x A medium dim and tiny cluster just N of 2058.

 NGC 2066
 Open  13.1    0.5x 0.5'   ---  ---                      NGC 05 37 42.4
-70 09 58
 10:36pm  9mmNag 170x Very very tiny, dim and East of 2058.

 NGC 2065
 Open  11.0    1.5x 1.5'   ---  16.0  I r                NGC 05 37 36.5
-70 14 09
 10:36pm  9mmNag 170x One of two dominant clusters of this group.
Larger and very obvious but no resolved stars.   This pattern above is
like a staircase with this is bottom floor.

 NGC 2072
 Open  13.2    0.4x 0.4'   ---  ---                      NGC 05 38 23.9
-70 13 59
 10:37pm  9mmNag 170x Very tiny, dim grape directly East of 2065
dominant member.

 NGC 2057
 Open  12.2    0.5x 0.5'   ---  ---                      NGC 05 36 56.2
-70 16 12
 10:37pm  9mmNag 170x Tiny cluster directly south from 2058 2.5 'step'

 Mystery_Object  Possible object on East point of an EQ triangle formed
with 2047 adn 2046 as other verticies.  This seems like it may be an
object but may be asterysm?

 NGC 2046
 Open  12.6    0.7x 0.7'   ---  ---                      NGC 05 35 38.4
-70 14 26
 10:37pm  9mmNag 170x tiny tier2 grape SSW of 2047 on the SW side of the
group of 'grapes'

 NGC 2047
 Open  13.2    0.5x 0.5'   ---  ---                      NGC 05 35 54.6
-70 11 32
 10:37pm 9mmNag 170x tiny tier2 grape NNE of 2046 on the SW side of the
group of 'grapes'

con: Dor  cmt: LMC_SE:

 NGC 2019  SL 554
 Glob  10.9    1.0'       ---   ---        ---    ---    BAA 05 31 56.7
-70 09 35
 10:38pm  9mmNag 170x Easily noticed, no resolved stars noted.

 10:38pm 7mmNag 220x Possible tiny object 5' SW of 2019   [PostNote:
MegaStar mag 12.5 star & LMC picture 1 shows this as possible star with

 10:38pm 7mmNag 220x Possible tiny object 5' NNW of 2019  [PostNote:
MegaStar mag 13.5 star & LMC picture 1 shows this as possible star with

 NGC 2018
 BrtN          2.0x 1.5'              E                  SKY 05 31 18.5
-71 04 06
 10:42pm  9mmNag 170x NPB filter.  Bright distinct stars in most
nebulous region.  Nebuloscity off to the west is very faint.  2'W/1'N a
much smaller faint but appearing a bit separate from main nebulous
region.   9' East and a bit N is distinct separate sort of smaller
nebulous area that does not appear stellar.   Also 4' WSW of main area
is knot in nebuloscity.

 HenizeN 206B
 BrtN          1.2x 0.3'                                 MAC 05 30 48.1
-71 08 03
 10:44pm  9mmNag 170x NPB filter.  Distinct 1' len mostly EW elongated
1x bright nebulous bar.

 10:44pm 9mmNag 170x Obvious possible cluster object 15' S and about 5'
E of 2018.  [PostNote: DSS shows it very well]

con: Dor  cmt: LMC_NearTarNeb:     Tape: 21min

 NGC 2100
 Open   9.6    2.0'        ---  11.8  II r               NGC 05 42 08.2
-69 12 42
 10:45pm 16mmNag 95x Fairly large and bright cluster due East of
Tarantula Nebula.

 NGC 2055
 Open          0.6'        ---  ---                      BAA 05 36 41.8
-69 29 49
 10:46pm  16mmNag 95x In amoung a gorgous 16' length star cloud just SSW
of Tarantula Nebula. Cloud is Very apparent from background and a fairly
even blanket of stars.

 NGC 2050
 Open          1.0'        ---  ---                      BAA 05 36 40.0
-69 22 49
 10:46pm  16mmNag 95x Within a gorgous 16' length star cloud just SSW of
Tarantula Nebula.

 NGC 2048
 BrtN         18.0'                                      SKY 05 35 04.1
-69 42 37
 10:47pm  16mmNag 95x Noted as nebulous area farther south from large
star cloud that is just below Tarantula nebula.

Funny:  Got a bit lost looking for Globular Ngc2005 and said 'Cripes
theres objects like everywhere'    LOL

 NGC 2036
 Open  12.8    0.7x 0.7'   ---  ---                      NGC 05 34 31.9
-70 03 59
 10:50pm  16mmNag 95x Noted as small cluster in failed search for 2005.

 NGC 2028
 Open  12.9    0.4x 0.4'   ---  ---                      NGC 05 33 48.2
-69 57 03
 10:52pm  16mmNag 95x Noted as small cluster in failed search foron hop
route to 2005.

 NGC 2016
 Open          0.1x 0.1'   ---  ---   m                  NGC 05 31 31.1
-69 55 59
 10:53pm  16mmNag 95x Noted as small cluster in failed search foron hop
route to 2005.

con: Dor  cmt: LMC_By1962:     Tape: 21min

 SL 476  HenizeN 144  LH 58
 C+N           4.0'                                      MAC 05 26 35.6
-68 49 05
 11:15pm  9mmNag 170x 5' size. Contains CCW on half circle  1962 on W,
1965, 1966, 1970 on East. Note that MegaStar only had 1962 so I used GSC
stars for other objects which I observed on 3-18-2010 separately.

 GSC 9162:500  NGC 1953
 Star  13.6  0.4  6                                      GSC 05 25 29.4
-68 50 28
 10:55pm  9mmNag 170x  Noted as distinct object on this nite, more on

 NGC 1962
 Open          0.5'        ---  ---                      BAA 05 26 19.4
-68 50 15
 10:55pm 9mmNag 170x

 GSC 9162:484  NGC 1965
 Star  10.4  0.3  6                                      GSC 05 26 29.6
-68 48 20
 10:55pm 9mmNag 170x

 GSC 9162:987  NGC 1966
 Star  12.3  0.4  6                                      GSC 05 26 46.2
-68 48 47
 10:55pm 9mmNag 170x

 GSC 9162:971  NGC 1970
 Star  10.96 0.0.461     ---                             TYC 05 26 53.1
-68 50 00
 10:55pm 9mmNag 170x

 NGC 1949
 BrtN          0.4'                   E                  SKY 05 25 05.8
-68 28 15
 11:00pm  9mmNag 170x  Less distinct than SL 476 area and small bright
center then very faint outter glow.

 NGC 1901
 Open         20.0'         40  ---   III 3 m            LYN 05 18 34.6
-68 30 09
 11:01pm   9mmNag 170x20' size < 40 stars.  Very sparse, elongated 5x NS
sort of look due to 5 Tier1 stars, another 15 lower mag. Good for a
marker and jump-off point.

con: Dor  cmt: LMC_by1910:     fav: F3
TAPE: 29:30

 NGC 1910
 Open  11.2    9.0x 9.0'   ---  ---   association        NGC 05 18 27.5
-69 13 06
 11:05pm   9mmNag 170x  8' size  50 stars with 5 bright members.
Nebuloscity looping around to east from most of nebuloscity over the
south side of the cluster.

 NGC 1916
 Glob  10.4    0.5'       ---   ---        ---    ---    BAA 05 17 26.7
-69 22 34
 11:05pm   9mmNag 170x  < 1' dia  Tight, concentrated. Dimmer than 1903
by a bit.   Object is 6' ESE of these coordinates that are wrong per dss
and observation.  I felt there was a very faint object halfway between
1916 and 1903.

 NGC 1903
 Open  12.0    0.6x 0.6'   ---  ---   Ir                 NGC 05 17 22.7
-69 20 13
 11:06pm   9mmNag 170x  1' dia  Broader than 1916 and partly resolved.

con: Dor  cmt: LMC_by1876:
 NGC 1876
 C+N           1.0'                                      MAC 05 13 19.8
-69 21 44
 11:10pm   9mmNag 170x  3' size cluster with nebuloscity.  Described as
one with 1874,1877,1880

 NGC 1874
 C+N           0.7'                   E                  NGC 05 13 12.9
-69 22 32
 11:10pm   9mmNag 170x  3' size cluster with nebuloscity.  Described as
one with 1876,1877,1880

 NGC 1877
 C+N           0.5'                                      MAC 05 13 23.9
-69 22 44
 11:11pm   9mmNag 170x  3' size cluster with nebuloscity.  Described as
one with 1874,1876,1880

 NGC 1880
 C+N           0.7'                   E                  NGC 05 13 38.9
-69 23 00
 11:11pm  9mmNag 170x  3' size cluster with nebuloscity.  Described as
one with 1874,1876,1877

 NGC 1872
 Open  11.0    1.0'        ---  ---   IV r               BAA 05 13 11.5
-69 18 45
 11:12pm  9mmNag 170x  Described as concentrated cluster 1 unit (3') N
of 1876 'large cluster with neb'.

 NGC 1894
 Open  12.2    0.8'        ---  ---   II m               NGC 05 15 51.8
-69 28 13
 11:13pm  9mmNag 170x  Cluster < 1' size.  Not too diffuse. Mistook for
1898 then corrected on tape.

con: Dor  cmt: LMC_by1918:
 LH 42  NGC 1918
 C+N           2.0x 1.5'              OB Assoc           RID 05 19 18.3
-69 39 11
 11:15pm  9mmNag 170x  3' size cluster with nebuloscity

 NGC 1898  SL 350
 Glob  11.9    ---        ---   ---        ---    ---    BAA 05 16 42.0
-69 39 24
 11:15pm  9mmNag 170x  < 1' dia  Very diffuse like a cluster  Not

 NGC 1770
 Open          1.6'        ---  ---                      BAA 04 57 16.8
-68 24 41
 11:16pm  9mmNag 170x  Described along with IC 2117 as very large open

 IC 2117
 Open          1.8'        ---  ---                      BAA 04 57 14.5
-68 26 30
 11:16pm  9mmNag 170x  Described along with 1770 as very large open cluster

 NGC 1835
 Glob          ---        ---   ---        ---    ---    BAA 05 05 06.6
-69 24 14
 11:17pm  9mmNag 170x  Tiny but almost stellar with averted showing it

 NGC 1828
 Open  12.5    0.7x 0.7'   ---  ---   II                 NGC 05 04 21.2
-69 23 16
 11:17pm  9mmNag 170x  Noticed as dim cluster sort of object while
looking at 1835

 NGC 1830
 Open  12.6    0.7'        ---  ---   II                 NGC 05 04 39.5
-69 20 29
 11:18pm  9mmNag 170x  Noticed as dim cluster sort of object while
looking at 1835

 NGC 1856
 Open  10.0    1.5x 1.5'   ---  15.0  IV r               NGC 05 09 31.0
-69 07 44
 11:18pm   9mmNag 170x  Broader than 1835 to it's SW.  Medium concentration.

con: Dor  cmt: LMC_by1858:  fav: F3
TAPE: 39:00

 NGC 1858
 C+N           3.0x 2.0'                                 NGC 05 09 56.1
-68 53 48
 11:20pm  9mmNag 170x  3' len  1.5EL 135dPA  Broad star cluster with 10
resolved averted and dark spot in middle.

 NGC 1855
 Open  10.4    3.0'        ---  14.2  II 0               BAA 05 09 20.6
-68 50 51
 11:21pm  9mmNag 170x  Smaller than 1858

 NGC 1850
 Open   9.3    3.0'        ---  14.3  r n                NGC 05 08 46.0
-68 45 42
 11:22pm   9mmNag 170x  Almost 3' size and concentrated compaired to 1858

con: Dor  cmt: LMC_by1934:

 NGC 1936
 C+N           0.8'                   E                  NGC 05 22 14.1
-67 58 36
 11:25pm  9mmNag 170x  Described this as a larger and obvious area to
the far SSE of the area of main 1934 nebulous region but with a darker
gap in it then on it's northern edge brighter again.

 NGC 1937
 C+N           3.0'                                      NGC 05 22 24.5
-67 53 43
 11:26pm 9mmNag 170x  Described as 2 units (6') N of 1936 on other side
of a star field that is apparent between these areas.

 NGC 1934
 C+N           6.0'                   E                  NGC 05 22 01.4
-67 55 59
 11:26pm 9mmNag 170x  7' size described for this whole complex with 1934
being the main nebulous region.

 NGC 1929
 C+N           0.6'                   E                  NGC 05 21 37.8
-67 54 48
 11:27pm 9mmNag 170x  Described as nebulous area on western edge that
may be nebulous field star.

 HenizeN 44H
 BrtN          0.2'                                      MAC 05 22 49.4
-68 01 21
 11:28pm 9mmNag 170x  Described as 6'E and 3'S of main area and around
1' in size.

 IC 2128
 BrtN          0.4'                                      SKY 05 22 52.1
-68 04 23
 11:28pm 9mmNag 170x  Described as VERY dim nebulous area 6' S of
HenizeN 44H and just noticable averted.

con: Dor  cmt: LMC_by1955:
TAPE: 42:30

 NGC 1955
 Open   9.0    1.8'        ---  11.3  III 3 p n          BAA 05 26 04.2
-67 29 52
 11:30pm 9mmNag 170x   Arc of stars in center EW orientation and
nebulous region is bowing around on this line's E side being the center
of a wide arc open to the W.   Averted vision required to see this 7'
long 1/3 circle arc with outside edge to E.    I did NOT report the
western nebulous region that shows up as other side of a big circle if
the big arc continued.

 Mystery_Object  6' SSE of bottom of big 1955 arc
 11:30pm 9mmNag 170x   Very dim nebulous region a lot smaller than 1955

 NGC 1968
 Open   9.0    1.1'        ---  12.6  III 3 p n          BAA 05 27 39.7
-67 27 20
 11:32pm 9mmNag 170x   Leading big Arc of 1955 this object is elongated
EW with a very faint nebulous wide bar extending S from its Western
end.  A dark lane separates 1968 and the very faint lower nebulous S bar
from the center through south side arc of 1955.  I describe this 1966
area almost as 3 areas of brightness just next to each other.

 NGC 1974
 Open   9.0    1.7'        ---  12.7  III 2 p n          BAA 05 28 00.6
-67 25 22
 11:32pm 9mmNag 170x A more broad continuous segment described as 8'E
and 8'N of center of 1955.

con: Dor  cmt: LMC_by2014:

 NGC 2014
 Open          1.8'        ---  ---                      BAA 05 32 21.7
-67 41 58
 11:35pm 9mmNag 170x  3' size and very obvious with nebuloscity all
about the stars within it.

 NGC 2020
 BrtN          1.5'                   SNR?               SKY 05 33 08.6
-67 42 47
 11:35pm 9mmNag 170x  Very dim and diffuse nebulous region with averted
with 1 central star visible.

con: Dor  cmt: LMC_by2014_TheTeeth_DragonsHead:

 LH 82    NGC 2032   Most W of the 2 main 'Incisors'
 C+N           6.0'                                      RID 05 35 16.0
-67 34 13
 11:40pm 9mmNag 170x  Most East of the 2 main incisors and bright like
2035.  Close to NS and elongated.

 LH 82    NGC 2035   Most E of the 2 main 'Incisors'
 C+N           6.0'                                      RID 05 35 32.0
-67 34 50
 11:41pm 9mmNag 170x  Most East of the 2 main incisors and bright like
2032.  Close to NS and elongated.

 LH 82    NGC 2029   NW of 2032
 C+N           6.0'                                      RID 05 35 05.0
-67 33 12
 11:41pm 9mmNag 170x  Not as bright as main 2 incisors and closer to
EW.  It is to W of 2 stars that are spacing of the length of main incisors.

 Mystery_Object      Farthest NW of the teeth
 C+N           6.0'                                      RID 05 34 59.0
-67 31 50
 11:42pm 9mmNag 170x  Averted shows this elongated region half the len
of main incisors with dark between it and 2029

 NGC 2040  LH 88
 C+N           2.1x 1.7'                                 RID 05 36 07.0
-67 34 00
 11:42pm 9mmNag 170x

 TAPE: 47:40  and was 11:44pm    Next is 1873 area then 1773 bean area

con: Dor  cmt: LMC_Within_1869:

 NGC 1869
 Open         14.0'        ---  ---   association        BAA 05 13 53.9
-67 23 00
 11:45pm 9mmNag 170x  This is an area that has 1873 AND 1871 all within
it.  So I KNOW I saw this area.  Did not make any specific observations
as I must have felt it was just general field stars.

 NGC 1871
 Open          2.0'        ---  ---                      BAA 05 13 52.4
-67 27 09
 11:45pm 9mmNag 170x  2' cluster  EW mostly.  About 5-6 tier1 stars.
Small amount of nebuloscity.

 NGC 1873
 Open          3.5'        ---  ---                      BAA 05 14 01.7
-67 19 54
 11:45pm 9mmNag 170x  1.5' length cluster  EW mostly.  Small amount of

con: Dor  cmt: LMC_1763area_BeanNebula:

 SL 125  LH 10   NGC 1763
 C+N           5.2x 3.6'                                 RID 04 56 49.0
-66 24 23
 11:45pm 9mmNag 170x   5' len 2.5EL 45dPA.  Few bright FStars along it's
major axis

 NGC 1769
 C+N           2.0'                   E                  NGC 04 57 44.1
-66 27 44
 11:45pm 9mmNag 170x   Bright nebulous area, less obvious than 1763.
with a couple stars resolvable within it. just to East of main 'bean' of

 NGC 1776
 Open          1.1'        ---  ---   II                 NGC 04 58 39.2
-66 25 46
 11:48pm 9mmNag 170x   Described as a little cluster NE of 1769 and past
a field star.

 NGC 1773
 Star  11.8  0.3  6                                      GSC 04 58 08.8
-66 21 53
 11:48pm 9mmNag 170x   Ngc1773 is just SW of this star and was described
as nebulous area smaller than 1769 with couple stars.

 NGC 1761
 Open          1.2'        ---  ---                      BAA 04 56 34.4
-66 28 24
 11:48pm 9mmNag 170x  Cluster region almost as big as the bean and less

MysteryObject: Just South of 1761 is another small and elongated
nebulous region. [PostNote: This I think has a core of a thin EW line of
stars 2' S of the 1761 cluster/nebula.

I was very very tired and started feeling dizzy so decided to pack it up
about 12 after a bit of wide-field looking at Milky way and so on.   I
had done a long hike this day and think I may have been a bit dehydrated
at this time as well.

Observing Reports Observing Sites GSSP 2010, July 10 - 14
Frosty Acres Ranch
Adin, CA

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