March 18, 2010: Arkaroola Australia - with Homunculus Nebula

Mark Johnston

Arkaroola  Tue 18Mar2010   Observations from 9:00pm till 3:00am.  21.4 Mag/ArcSec2

Observers:  Mark Johnston, solo trip.
Arkaroola Location:  139 20 East, 30 18 South
Telescope: BinTel  Bt-302 302mm f/5  1520mm focal length

This night is a little softer than other nights but seeing remains very good.

Total observations for all nights from 13th is about 320 (with quite a few duplicates)

My best study of EtaCar and Homunculus Nebula this night.  It includes Centaurus Galaxy Cluster and objects on assorted other lists as individual objects

VERY busy night with Focus on Eta Car area and nearby object, the tiny yet amazing Homuculus nebula around Eta Car itself, Galaxies of Dorado, The oddly nammed Dark DooDad (dark nebula in Musca), LMC Revisited key areas,  More Southern Sky Astronomical League targets, DeepMap 600 low targets and Caldwell objects.

Date: 3/18/2010  Site: Arkaroola  Scope: 12DobF5Pc   Obs: 80
NELM: 6.5  see: 5  trans: 4  sqm: 21.4

 scope: 12Dobf5Pc

 con: Car  cmt1: HomunculusNebula:   fav: F9
 GSC 8626:2809  SAO 238429  HD 93308
 Star  6.10  0.0.603     ---              TYC 10 45 03.5 -59 41 04
 8:50pm 7mmNag 250x Tiny with the length estimated at 1/60 FOV [20" of this 20' FOV]   Very distinct yellow/gold on star itself and the lobes were both clearly yellow as well but not as bright as the central star. There are clearly two lobes with the very bright central star between the lobes.  Trailing is the very bright lobe.  Leading lobe is on West lobe that is dimmer.  My first impression is as if a  notch is taken out on this lobe more towards north in this lobe.  There is a distinct jet that that shoots North that requires moments of great seeing to clearly see.  The jet starts just a bit east of Eta Car star and extends a length of around half the diameter of either lobe.  On NW lobe there is a distinct darker area within the lobe.   ON South lobe there is more of a notch.   There is mottled appearance to the trailing brighter lobe in moments of great seeing.  Also on that Easterly side there are two dark areas as we move from EtaCar out along the major axis to the trailing edge of the more easterly lobe which I felt was like a peanut shape as this structure necks down in the middle.   Must wait for best seeing to really see these.  The jet also comes and goes with seeing.  The jet points just slightly West of two field stars on northern side of the clearing around Eta Car homunculus nebula main lobed structure.  These two stars of very similar magnitude look real nice taken all together for a tight field along with the homunculus nebula.  I describe an area close in to the nebula as maybe a far fainter area having a full size of about 1/15 to 1/20 FOV in size.  [45 to 60']

 IC 2395  Cr 192    con: Vel   lst: DM,SAL   alt: 71
 Open   4.6    7.0'         40   5.5  II 3 m  LYN 08 42 31.0 -48 07 30
 9:20pm 9mmNag 200x  10'x7m  EW EL  < 50 stars.  Stands out very well with a very open look and not any very concentrated area.  Large range in magnitudes. Extremely bright star on West side and a Tier2 star on south side.   Tier3 on N and double trailing Tier3 set on east with a 45dPA for this double.   Another 30 or more lower mag stars.

 NGC 2547  Cr 177  Mel 84   con: Vel  lst: SAL   alt: 67
 Open   4.7   20.0'         80   7.0  I 3 r n   LYN 08 10 11.0 -49 13 30
 9:25pm 16mmNag 110x  44'x22' NS EL.  100 stars. Stands out extremely well with broad range of magnitudes.  There is a long arch of stars starting from center Tier1 star with a gradual mild arc heading to the north as it gradually arcs slightly west to end at a Tier1 star then a right angle hook at that brigth N star to fainter stars directly west. The right angle bend is like Persius hook near CA neb.  A final 3rd Tier3 star trails on the East.  10 Tier2 stars spread about.  The center is bound by a triangle with one point to the south and no bright stars inside this triangle.  A sort of radial arm out to NNW then another arm heading east and a general feel of stars in a less defined line heading south.

 IC 2391  Cr 191    con: Vel  lst: DM,C85  cmt1: OmicronVelourumCluster:
 Open   2.6   49.0'         30   4.0  II 3 m   LYN 08 40 18.0 -52 55 00
 9:30pm 35mmPan 50x  2/3 FOV [50'] Apparent limits of cluster.  < 50 stars.  Very sparse. 6 Tier1 and 5 or so Tier2 stars  I am guessing what other stars are part so about 20-30 other stars?.  Large range of mags but only a few stars.  2:1 Iso Triangle close to EW aligned on the short edge and the tall point star in southerly direction.  The brightest star is on the short Iso tri base on the northerly corner.  The corner on the Easterly edge of the short IsoTri base is made of two stars for a close double.    One bright star around NW side has the most bright nebula about it with 1/8 FOV dia [10']  and the double star corner on the NE side also has bright nebula but not as much.   Far southern tall IsoTri top is also one of the 3 Tier1.  A close pair of final Tier1  stars are just south of the NW corner star 1/5 of the line towards the bright Southern top of iso tri.

 tape: 15min

 NGC 2669  Cr 202  Harvard 3     con: Vel   lst: SAL   alt: 66
 Open   6.1   12.0'         40   7.7  III 3 m   LYN 08 46 21.6 -52 56 08
 9:37pm 35mmNag  50x  1/6 FOV size  [13']  50 stars total.  4 Tier1 stars form long keystone with N edge narowest keystone edge. 5 Tier2 and 40 others.   Stands out well.  White Tier1 star on North.  Another bright carbonish star on south end of cluster and then a bright star on SW.  These main stars form a sort of very long keystone with broader base formed by S and SW star and narow end of keystone far on other side of cluster on N end.  Used 35mm still for time reasons.

 NGC 5316  Cr 279  Mel 122      con: Cen  lst: SAL   alt: 39
 Open   6.0   13.0'         80  11.0  II 2 r    LYN 13 54 00.0 -61 51 00
 9:40pm  16mmNag 110x  Around 10' size.  50-80 stars.  Not concentratedand has dark areas throughout areas, just general blanket of stars.  Does not stand out well from background but with scope movement it is clear it is a cluster area.   Has feel of stars in a 1.3 IsoTri shape bound by 3 Tier1 on corners.  One carbon star on the side that points NS. Carbon star at dead center of IsoTri distributed stars.  Very near center also is a small EQ tri with one edge pointing N like the main cluster shape and then darkness around that small tri then rest of cluster stars are all about.  Gets very dark just below [N] this cluster that extends darkness out to as far as 3/4 of FOV [30'].

 NGC 5281  Cr 276  Mel 120       con: Cen  lst: SAL   alt: 41
 Open   5.9    5.0'         40   8.0  I 3 m     LYN 13 46 35.5 -62 55 04
 9:54pm 9mmNag 200x  1/8 FOV size [3']  perhaps 20 and certainly less than 40 stars it seems.   1 bright star on E.  3 Tier2 then 15 other stars.  This object sits amoung a blanket so other stars may be part of it as well.  There is an arch along to north through the middle with 5 stars in this arch.  The other part of the Musca sort of shape is about 5 stars  Has general appearance similar to Musca shape

 con: Mus  lst: SAL   fav: F5  alt: 42
 NGC 5189  IC 4274  ESO 96-16  Gum 47  RCW 76  Henize 2-94  PK 307-3.1
 Plan   9.5p   2.3'       14.9  5               STE 13 33 30.8 -65 58 29
 10:00pm 7mmNag 250x 1/10 FOV [2'] NPB filter.  Bright central bar at a 35-45dPA dominates the structure.  This nebula resembles a bar galaxy with 2 arms that curl back from each end in a CCW rotation.  My guess would be these fake 'arms' are as if around a shell of this planitary.   A brighter knot on NE end that is fairly bright in center of this knot.  Bar is fairly linier as it goes along SW side and gets fatter down in SW side.  7/10 of way to SW we see small FStar just N of SW end of the main bar that is separated by thin darkness from main bar. There is a nebulous blotch that is about 1/2 the length of the main bar away from the SW end off to the north (past the star). From the SW end we can see a faint amount of nebulous area arching north and curling along back along the main axis of the main bar but away from the main bar's SW end by 1/2 of the total main bar's length. This loop eventually intersects the NE end where there was a knot, as if this nebuloscity is along a shell.  Staring from NE knot we see a fat dim nebulous bar looping South then curling back to SW end.  There is a definite break between the NE bar and this loop going back SW.  Averted vision only will show a very faint bar of nebuloscity going East from the S end of the knot on the NE end of the main bar of the nebula.

 NGC 3324  Cr 225  con: Car  cmt1: GabrielaMistralNebula:   alt: 62
 Open   6.7    5.0'         44   8.2  I 3 r n   LYN 10 37 19.0 -58 39 36
 10:20pm 16mmNag 110x NPB filter. 1/3 FOV height in NS direction [14']  Appears if a quarter moon open to the East like witchhead does.  North side has the strongest area with a distinct semi-circle rounded edge for first 1/3 of it's length.  This edge on the west side gets less defined halfway down south along this long arc. Thes does not strike me as a face but maybe because it's upside down but I don't recall what the picture looked like as that may help.  There is a lot of mottled structure on the south-east areas of this overall nebula with dark and lighter areas.

 con: Cen  cmt: CentaurusCluster:
 NGC 4696  ESO 322-91  MCG -7-26-51  PGC 43296
 Glxy  11.4p   4.5x 3.2' 116    E+1 pec         RC3 12 48 49.2 -41 18 40
 10:40pm 9mmNag 200x  1/10FOV 2.5'  130dPA  Slight core brightening.

 NGC 4709  ESO 323-3  MCG -7-26-56  PGC 43423
 Glxy  12.0b   2.3x 1.9' 118    E1              RC3 12 50 04.1 -41 22 56
 10:41pm 9mmNag  200x   Second brightest group member that trails 4696.  Forms a ISO triangle with 2 others closer to 4696

 NGC 4706  ESO 323-1  MCG -7-26-55  PGC 43411
 Glxy  13.9b   1.4x 0.6'  24    SAB(s)0^ sp    RC3 12 49 53.9 -41 16 45
 10:41pm 9mmNag  200x   Dimmer than 4709 but similar mag to ESO 322-102

 ESO 322-102  MCG -7-26-54  Anon 1246-41B  PGC 43374
 MltG  13.8v   1.3x 0.3'  51    SB(s)0^: sp    RC3 12 49 37.7 -41 23 18
 10:42pm 9mmNag  200x   Dimmer than 4709 but similar mag to 4706

 ESO 323-5  MCG -7-26-58  Anon 1247-41  PGC 43435
 Glxy  13.1v   1.2x 0.5'  18    S0: sp         RC3 12 50 12.0 -41 30 55
 10:42pm 9mmNag 200x   Far eastern of 3 similar mag galaxies that form a very very tall IsoTriangle with this as the tip and base made of next two Eso 322-99 and -100

 ESO 322-100  Anon 1246-41A  PGC 43355
 MltG  13.7v   0.9x 0.4'  88    S0?            RC3 12 49 25.5 -41 27 48
 10:43pm 9mmNag 200x   on small base of a 3 similar mag galaxies very very tall IsoTriangle with Eso323-5 at the tall tip.

 ESO 322-99  PGC 43354
 Glxy  14.4p   1.0x 0.6'  96    S0^: sp        RC3 12 49 26.0 -41 29 20
 10:44pm 9mmNag  200x  on small base of a 3 similar mag galaxies very very tall IsoTriangle with Eso323-5 at the tall tip.

 ESO 323-8  PGC 43466
 Glxy  14.6p   0.9x 0.3' 143    S0 sp          RC3 12 50 34.1 -41 28 16
 10:45pm 9mmNag 200x  In a line of 3 that we see moving NE from here

 ESO 323-9  PGC 43479
 Glxy  14.4p   1.1x 0.5'  86    S0 sp          RC3 12 50 42.8 -41 25 50
 10:47pm 9mmNag 200x  middle in a line of 3 that we see moving NE from here

 PGC 43500
 Glxy  15.0    0.7x 0.3'  71                   PGC 12 50 57.3 -41 23 48
 10:48pm 9mmNag  200x Far NE end of a line of 3 that we see moving SW from here.  This is the dimmest of this line of 3.

 ESO 323-13  IRAS 12487-4057  PGC 43561
 Glxy  15.2p   1.1x 0.3'  49    S0?            RC3 12 51 32.4 -41 13 42
 10:51pm 9mmNag 200x  Most NE and obviously dimmest of of a reticulum shape of galaxies on a line SW of here.

 NGC 4729  ESO 323-16  MCG -7-27-2  Anon 1248-40  PGC 43591
 Glxy  12.3v   1.5x 1.4'  78    E+:            RC3 12 51 46.3 -41 07 57
 10:51pm 9mmNag 200x  In the middle two of a reticulum shape and very near and similar looking to 4730. This is a mid-tier small galaxy but not tiny.

 NGC 4730  ESO 323-17  MCG -7-27-3  PGC 43611
 Glxy  13.9p   1.2x 1.0'  88    SA(r)0-:       RC3 12 52 00.5 -41 08 48
 10:52pm 9mmNag 200x  In the middle two of a reticulum shape and very near and similar looking to 4729. This is a mid-tier small galaxy but not tiny.

 NGC 4744  ESO 323-22  MCG -7-27-6  IRAS 12495-4047  PGC 43661
 Glxy  13.8b   2.1x 0.9' 137    SB(s)0/a       RC3 12 52 19.5 -41 03 37
 10:52pm 9mmNag 200x  1' len  120dPA  this is dominant and most NE of reticulum set of galaxies.

 NGC 4743  ESO 323-21  MCG -7-27-5  PGC 43653
 Glxy  14.0p   1.4x 0.5' 173    SA0+:          RC3 12 52 16.0 -41 23 26
 10:54pm 9mmNag 200x  1' len 135dPA  Easily visible.  for this little area.

 ESO 323-19  MCG -7-27-4  Anon 1249-41  PGC 43623
 Glxy  12.8v   1.5x 0.7'  96    E+             RC3 12 52 03.2 -41 27 38
 10:55pm 9mmNag 200x  To south of 4743 and just a little dimmer.

 ESO 323-20  IRAS 12494-4103  PGC 43638
 Glxy  15.0p   1.1x 0.9'  --    S?             RC3 12 52 13.0 -41 20 20
 10:56pm 9mmNag 200x  Noted this near the double to N of 4743 but is at limits of averted.

 ESO 323-18  PGC 43615
 Glxy  14.8p   1.3x 0.5'  83    SAB(s)bc: pec  RC3 12 52 01.5 -41 16 47
 11:00pm 9mmNag 200x  Averted only detection of this tiny object

 PGC 43652
 Glxy  15.7b   0.2x 0.1'  97                   LED 12 52 15.7 -41 15 34
 11:00pm 9mmNag 200x  Averted only and very tiny 1 of 3 just N of 4743

 PGC 43670
 Glxy  14.9b   0.2x 0.2'   4                   LED 12 52 22.5 -41 16 56
 11:00pm 9mmNag  200x Averted only detection of this tiny object

 ESO 323-28  MCG -7-27-9  PGC 43719
 MltG  14.1p   1.2x 0.9'  18    SA(s)0/a sp    RC3 12 52 50.1 -41 20 14
 11:03pm 9mmNag 200x  This shows up but very faint.

 NGC 4683  ESO 322-83  MCG -7-26-47  PGC 43182
 Glxy  12.7v   1.5x 0.8' 133    SB(s)0-        RC3 12 47 42.6 -41 31 40
 11:04pm 9mmNag  200x 40' len mostly EW feel to EL. Just a little dimmer than 4677. Top of E pointing 1.5 tall IsoTriangle

 NGC 4677  ESO 322-78  MCG -7-26-44  PGC 43127
 Glxy  13.9b   1.7x 0.7' 167    SB(s)0+:       RC3 12 46 57.0 -41 34 58
 11:07pm 9mmNag 200x  Highest mag of these 3. S end of NS base of IsoTriangle

 NGC 4696A  ESO 322-77  MCG -7-26-43  IRAS 12441-4113  PGC 43120
 MltG  14.5p   1.4x 0.5' 177    SA(s)b?        RC3 12 46 55.4 -41 29 46
 11:07pm 9mmNag 200x  N end of NS base of IsoTriangle   Dimmest of all 3

 NGC 4696D  ESO 322-88  MCG -7-26-49  PGC 43249
 MltG  14.0p   1.7x 0.3' 132    SB(r)0^ pec sp RC3 12 48 21.4 -41 42 52
 11:07pm 9mmNag  200x Possible EL in EW sort of direction

 NGC 4672  ESO 322-73  MCG -7-26-41  IRAS 12435-4125  PGC 43073
 Glxy  14.1p   1.5x 0.6'  48    SA(s)a pec sp  RC3 12 46 15.6 -41 42 23
 11:09pm 9mmNag 200x  Diffuse and faint object. [Not sure why as DSS indicates it may be like other mag 14 objects that were easier around here.]

 NGC 4696B  ESO 322-81  MCG -7-26-45  IRAS 12446-4058  PGC 43155
 MltG  12.7v   1.4x 0.7'  47    SA0-:          RC3 12 47 21.7 -41 14 15
 11:10pm 9mmNag 200x  Slight EL, maybe 10dPA sort of angle. Several FStars near it.

 ESO 322-101  PGC 43367
 Glxy  13.3v   0.9x 0.5'  82    E?             RC3 12 49 34.6 -41 03 18
 11:12pm 9mmNag 200x  Noted as small in passing.

 NGC 4696C  ESO 322-87  MCG -7-26-48  PGC 43218
 MltG  14.6p   1.9x 0.3' 142    Sb: sp         RC3 12 48 02.6 -40 49 07
 11:13pm 9mmNag 200x  At limits of detection averted only.

 NGC 4696E  ESO 322-90  MCG -7-26-50  PGC 43262
 MltG  14.5p   1.7x 0.7'   0    SB(s)0^ sp     RC3 12 48 26.1 -40 56 09
 11:15pm 9mmNag  200x At limits of detection averted only.

 NGC 5927      con: Lup   lst: SAL   cmt: .   alt: 40
 Glob   8.0    6.0'       14.5  16.6           BAA 15 28 00.5 -50 40 22
 11:40pm 7mmNag 250x 1/10 fov apparent size [2']  Medium concentration.  Leading FStar just outside of glow.

 NGC 5946      con: Nor   lst: SAL   alt: 42
 Glob   8.4    3.0'       ---   17.2           BAA 15 35 28.5 -50 39 34
 11:44pm 7mmNag 250x  1/6fov [3']  Averted shows shugary appearance and hints of resolution averted 15 or so stars.   Mild concentration with some central brightning.

 END tape 1

 Here we re-visit in great detail a lot of LMC objects up to 20:30 on the tape
 scope: 12Dobf5Pc

 con: Dor   cmt: LMC_Ngc1934_area:
 NGC 1934
 C+N           6.0'                   E        NGC 05 22 01.4 -67 55 59
 12:52am 9mmNag  Many stars all around, maybe 50 resolvable in this area [5'] . This is the overall broad cluster of stars in this area an encapsulates the objects below.

 NGC 1936
 C+N           0.8'                   E        NGC 05 22 14.1 -67 58 36
 12:52am 9mmNag  1/30FOV [1']  Distinct area.  A fairly broad glow that is dimmer is just above this [west] and about twice the are of this smaller obvious patch.

 IC 2126  NGC 1935
 BrtN          0.7'                            NGC 05 21 50.0 -67 57 07
 12:53am 9mmNag  This is similar magnitude to 1936 and about the same size.

 IC 2127
 Unkn          ---                             NGC 05 21 59.5 -67 57 28
 12:53am 9mmNag  This is a small 30" cluster with nebuloscity that is fainter than 1936 around this cluster.

 NGC 1929
 C+N           0.6'                   E        NGC 05 21 37.8 -67 54 48
 12:53am 9mmNag   More concentrated but half as small as 1936.

 NGC 1937
 C+N           3.0'                            NGC 05 22 24.5 -67 53 43
 12:54am 9mmNag   A small slightly more concentrated group of stars with a very slight glow around it and a field star on it's west side.

 con: Dor   cmt: LMC_Ic2128_area:
 IC 2128
 BrtN          0.4'                            SKY 05 22 52.1 -68 04 23
 12:55am 9mmNag   9' SE of Ngc1934 area there is a right trangle of fairly bright foreground stars that surrounds an Eq Tri of 3 small clusters as the corners and THIS Eq Tri encloses an apparent grouping of stars that is 9' SE of the 1934.  All 3 mini-clusters are of similar mag.   Ic2128 is 1' SW of one of the three stars.   NPB filter only makes the view worse.

 HenizeN 44H
 BrtN          0.2'                            MAC 05 22 49.4 -68 01 21
 12:55am 9mmNag   One of three corner clusters of an EQ Tri that encapsulates a fairly obvious large grouping of stars.

 GSC 9162:5
 Star  12.8  0.4  6                            GSC 05 22 19.6 -68 04 36
 12:55am 9mmNag   A star in the third corner of an EQ tri of Ic2128 which has a small unidentified cluster around it.  It is called 'NonStar' in megastar.

 con: Dor   cmt: LMC_Ngc1962_SL476_area:
 NGC 1953
 Star  13.6  0.4  6                            GSC 05 25 29.4 -68 50 28
 1:10am 9mmNag   1/25 fov [1.2'] size. Looks like a resolvable star just on trailing edge.   WSW by 10' from Ngc1962 area.

 NGC 1962
 Open          0.5'        ---  ---            BAA 05 26 19.4 -68 50 15
 1:11am 9mmNag   Diffuse glow, no resolvable stars except one just on it's west edge of glow.  (Of SL476 MegaStar ONLY had 1962 and other 4 below as well as 1953 were star locations)

 NGC 1965
 Star  10.4  0.3  6                            GSC 05 26 29.6 -68 48 20
 1:12am 9mmNag   Distinct apparent averted view.  Stellar element in the middle.

 NGC 1966
 Star  12.3  0.4  6                            GSC 05 26 46.2 -68 48 47
 1:13am 9mmNag   Slightly elongated and a Tier1 nebulous region for this area.  A couple resolvable stars.

 NGC 1770
 Star  10.96 0.0.461     ---                   TYC 05 26 53.1 -68 50 00
 1:13am 9mmNag   Difficult to see glow as it is dominated by a close treo of stars with PA 150d and the brightest one on the North edge of this treo.

 con: Dor   cmt: LMC_TarantulaNebula_revisited:
 NGC 2069
 BrtN         18.0x11.0'              E        UNK 05 38 30.0 -69 07 00
 1:15am 9mmNag  I attempt to describe mostly this time the face I see that resembled a monkey with very wide mouth who has a sort of horn out of left as we look at the face.  This I saw distinctly but have been unable to get pictures that show this shape as obvious as it was each time I had looked.   Not unlike how M42 I have never seen a picture that looks as it does in the eyepiece.

 con: Dor   cmt: LMC_Ngc2077_area:
 NGC 2077
 Open          0.6'        ---  ---            BAA 05 39 34.9 -69 39 19
 1:19am 9mmNag  This I described as attached yet separate area off to SW of the bright glow.  I believe I described 2080 as 2077 and 2077 is a dimmer object that I described as attached to SW.

 NGC 2080
 Open          0.7'        ---  ---            BAA 05 39 44.6 -69 38 42
 1:19am 9mmNag  Described this as 2077. Described as bright nebulous area elongated with 30dPA. I did not call out 2080 on the tape itself.

 NGC 2085
 Open          0.4'        ---  ---            BAA 05 40 09.2 -69 40 21
 1:21am 9mmNag  Noted as smaller than 2080 dominant nebulous area but distinct.  Also felt that this object was of the same basic brightness and size as it's neighbor, 2086.  Barely availabl edirect with bright FStar on NW edge of this object.

 NGC 2086
 C+N           0.3'                            NGC 05 40 12.3 -69 40 04
 1:22am 9mmNag  Same basic brightness and size as it's neighbor, 2085.  [PostNote: I may have mixed up and I may have been looking at IC2145 for this same size/brightness.

 IC 2145
 Open          0.5'        ---  ---            BAA 05 40 23.9 -69 40 11
 1:22am 9mmNag  I believe I may have felt this was 2086.  So I think I saw 3 objects here but was unclear on directions enough to pinpoint from chart at this time.   I even mentioned I felt my chart may be not right for 2086 (but chart WAS ok, from NGC/IC project and does NOT show IC2145). If this is the case then IC2145 was the same mag/size as 2086 (that I felt was 2085) AND then 2085 was the dimmer object I mention.

 con: Dor   cmt: LMC_Ngc2083_KeyStone:
 NGC 2083
 Star  11.2  0.3  6                            GSC 05 39 59.0 -69 44 01
 1:25am 9mmNag  One of top 2 nebulous areas of a keystone of 4 members of nebulous spots.

 NGC 2078
 C+N           0.4'                   E        NGC 05 39 40.1 -69 44 36
 1:25am 9mmNag  The western most of top 2 nebulous areas of a keystone of 4 members of nebulous spots.

 NGC 2079
 C+N           0.8'                   E        NGC 05 39 40.2 -69 46 25
 1:26am 9mmNag  The SW most of bottom 2 nebulous areas of a keystone of 4 members of nebulous spots.  This south side of keystone is the 1.3 longer of the keystone un-even edges, this is the base.  2079 is of similar mag to the other base member 2084.

 NGC 2084
 Star  12.3  0.3  6                            GSC 05 40 08.5 -69 45 28
 1:26am 9mmNag  The SE most of the keystone base or bottom 2 nebulous areas.  2084 is of similar mag to the other base member 2079 to the west.

 con: Dor   cmt: LMC_Ngc1763_Bean:   fav: F5
 NGC 1763 SL 125  LH 10
 C+N           5.2x 3.6'                       RID 04 56 49.0 -66 24 23
 1:28am 9mmNag  Large nebulous area elongated like kidney bean.  Broader on NE sort of section. 10 or more resolvable stars within the nebulous area.   Has a few segments. SSE part has a little hook.  Bright star and a few minor stars on southern area.  Center has a couple stars like a double and it's nebulous middle section.

 NGC 1761
 Open          1.2'        ---  ---            BAA 04 56 34.4 -66 28 24
 1:29am 9mmNag   A cluster with about 5 resolvable stars and some nebuloscity around it.

 NGC 1769
 C+N           2.0'                   E        NGC 04 57 44.1 -66 27 44
 1:29am 9mmNag   A separate area with fair amount of nebuloscity and a few resolvable stars.

 NGC 1760
 Star  12.5  0.3  6                            GSC 04 56 32.0 -66 31 04
 1:29am 9mmNag   A few stars in a line with nebuloscity at the limits of detection. Elongated EW

 tape: 20:30   ... leave the lmc

 con: Cen
 ESO 270-17  MCG -7-28-4  Anon 1332-45  PGC 47847
 Glxy  11.7p  15.5x 1.4' 109    SB(s)m:        RC3 13 34 45.5 -45 32 48
 1:40am 7mmNag 250x  1/2 FOV 10' len  > 3EL 110dPA Extremely dim and difficult.  [I thought FStar was N but it is E] Took a huge amount of time to find.

 con: Cen  lst: SAL   cmt1: AlphaCentauriDouble:    alt: 58
 GSC 9007:1738  Rigil Kent  Alpha1 Cen  SAO 252838  HD 128620
 Star  -0.01 0.4  4      G2V                   TYC 14 39 40.9 -60 50 07
 1:48am 7mmNag 250x  Brilliently bright double.  Tight spacing, maybe 1/80 to 1/100 FOV spacing at 80dPA.   Trailing E member brighter of the two.  Clear and easy separation.

 con: Nor
 RCW 100  Shapley 1  PK 329+2.1  PNG 329.0+1.9
 Plan  13.6p  72.0"       14.0  4              STE 15 51 41.2 -51 31 23
 2:30am 9mmNag 200x NPB filter 1/15 FOV 1.6' dia  Round shell.  Bairly visible direct.   Most of envelope on the west.  Center has clearing.   Averted causes me to think I see a star in good seeing.

 scope: 14Sctf7

 Some other glob to be identified:
 2:40am 9mmNag 280x  1/10FOV [1.8'] apparent size.  Not very concentrated.  Hints at resolution of some members with averted. Bright FStar just off N edge

 NGC 6362     con: Ara  lst: SAL   alt: 46
 Glob   8.1   15.0'       12.7  15.3            BAA 17 31 54.8 -67 02 53
 2:40am 9mmNag 280x  1/6 FOV dia [3'] apparent size.  Low concentration, like a big open cluster that is even packing.   Easily resolving direct 20-30 stars.

 con: Pav     cmt:
 IC 4765  ESO 104-6  Fair 187  PGC 62407
 Glxy  12.3p   3.4x 1.8' 115    E+4             RC3 18 47 17.8 -63 19 52
 3:20am 9mmNag 280x  Brightest of this very dim group

 IC 4767  ESO 104-10  PGC 62427
 Glxy  14.3b   1.4x 0.4'  30    S0+: pec sp     RC3 18 47 41.8 -63 24 20
 3:20am 9mmNag 280x  one of 3 in an eq triangle that has Ic4765 in it's bounds.

 ESO 104-2  PGC 62393
 Glxy  14.1v   1.0x 0.3'  30    S0?             RC3 18 46 53.9 -63 21 39
 3:20am 9mmNag 280x  one of 3 in an eq triangle that has Ic4765 in it's bounds.

 IC 4766  ESO 104-9  PGC 62421
 Glxy  13.8v   1.1x 0.4' 112    SA(r)0+         RC3 18 47 35.6 -63 17 30
 3:20am 9mmNag 280x  one of 3 in an eq triangle that has Ic4765 in it's bounds.

 con:  Pav     cmt1: .
 NGC 6872  ESO 73-32  IRAS 20115-7055  PGC 64413
 MltG  12.7b   6.5x 1.7'  67    SB(s)b pec      RC3 20 16 56.1 -70 46 04
 3:40am  9mmNag   Only said 'several galaxies' but had to shutdown and leave so zero details

 NGC 6876  ESO 73-35  PGC 64447
 MltG  12.1p   2.8x 2.1'  78    E3              RC3 20 18 19.2 -70 51 31
 3:40am  9mmNag   Only said 'several galaxies' but had to shutdown and leave so zero details

Time to leave Australian Skies till some future trip.
I drove down from the observatory and before going in for the night stood outside my room
at the naked eye view of these skies as if to burn it into my memory till next trip.

Observing Reports Observing Sites GSSP 2010, July 10 - 14
Frosty Acres Ranch
Adin, CA

OMG! Its full of stars.
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