Observing conditions at Presentation Center

by Jim Van Nuland

The SJAA school troupe conducted a star party at Presentation Center, on Bear Creek Road south of Los Gatos. Our clients were 75 high schoolers, who were there for a weekend, so we could schedule the event late, from 9:00 to about 10:30. The custodian turned off nearly all the lights, so the site was darker than a typical school

The sky was excellent! Being so near the cities, we were amazed to have such a fine view of the Milky Way: bright to the south, faded out somewhere between Cygnus and Cassiopeia -- where it encountered the light from the valley.

I showed Albireo and M11, so I was not dependent on seeing, but at 98x, there was no obvious turbulence. Others showed M13, M57, Jupiter, and probably a couple more.

There was slight dewing, not enough to interfere. The students had many questions related to the astrophysics of our targets: how are temperature and composition determined, etc. The mechanics and optics of the instruments were also of much interest. All very interested and appreciative.

The Milky Way was still excellent at 11:30 when we left. As I stepped out of my bus at home (near Houge Park), I was surprised to see a totally overcast sky! Since the site is at about 1460 feet, it is possible that the clouds were below us. Or perhaps the hill and trees were keeping them away.

Big thanks to Gary and Gordon for helping out.

Observing Reports Observing Sites GSSP 2010, July 10 - 14
Frosty Acres Ranch
Adin, CA

OMG! Its full of stars.
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