by Sean McCauliff
I stopped by M67 in Cancer for awhile and stared at it for awhile at medium power. Then I went for NGC 3115 in Sextans. There were some false starts as the wrong star was chosen for Gamma Sex. It was quite pleasing bright edge on with a well defined core. This was cool because I was not able to find this galaxy last year when I first got the Plettstone.
As Leo rose I checked out some of the Messier galaxies in Leo; later M108 and the Owl in the same field. Moving in on the owl I could see some darker voids that looked like they could have been the eyes. M51 showed some spiral structure. Ii was nice tosee a clear face on spiral again.
During the night Saturn was observed a bunch of times at 200-330x. Someone onTAC had posted their photo of Saturn's storm and I wanted to try and observe it. A couple of clouds bands/areas were visible and I stared at them for some minutes, but to no avail. Green and yellow-green filters did not help. Robert's 20in obsession did not show any additional detail.
When I looked at M100 in Matthew's scope I could barely detect M100, so no time was spent going for the supernova there.
Some other objects observed: M108, M3, theghost of jupiter, a faint peanut and a barely visible face on spiral.
Good times where had by all.
Posted on sf-bay-tac Feb 21, 2006 21:22:00 PT
Converted by 1.2 Mar 01, 2006 23:42:56 PT