Mars sketch, 09-05-2005

by Michael Portuesi

My partner passed up a new moon weekend to spend time at home rather than go to a dark sky site. But I'm not disappointed since it offered me another chance to see Mars, which honestly I'm more excited about seeing than some boring old open clusters or whatever.

We've had a clear sky opportunity the second weekend in a row. So we set up the TV-102 refractor on the back deck, went to bed, and woke up at 5 am for another view of Mars transiting the meridian.

The view this time was of Mare Cimmerium and Mare Tyrrhenum. Unfortunately, seeing was poor, which made it a challenge to observe. But I nevertheless made this sketch of what I saw. All of the particulars are on the sketch itself:

My sketching technique for Mars this apparition is decidedly different than last, when I was just gettting started with sketching. I'm still going through an experimentation stage with Mars rendering, this time getting the hang of the blending stump. I'm hoping that as I practice and my skills improve, I'll acquire a style for sketching that looks nice and accurately renders what I see.

But I can definitely say that sketching has made it possible for me to notice details I would otherwise have missed when viewing through the eyepiece. I'm not sure I would have acquired those skills with a webcam, which now seems to utterly dominate the world of Mars observations.

Posted on shallow-sky Sep 05, 2005 17:05:16 PT
Converted by 1.2 Mar 10, 2006 22:10:31 PT