Jupiter double shadow transit tonight

by Mark Bracewell

Thanks a bunch for the heads up!

By far the best view of jupiter I've had in my new scope, despite the fog interruptions. Pretty variable seeing but with some very good moments. After the fog won the battle I was inspired to make some sketches in a paint program (starting with a jupiter photo) - never thought I would be a sketch kind of person. Way fun! Saw Io just at the beginning od its transit, then it gradually became impossible to see. Only saw Europa just before it exited, but then it became quite well defined. At the same time Io's shadow was eating a little notch in the opposite limb. When both shadows were well on their way they were very dark and sharp. Could make out just a bit of the detail on the equator side of the NEB and dome interesting pale blotches in the south. Short but very sweet session.

Sketches at http://wgg.com/scope/dbl_transit.jpg

Posted on sf-bay-tac Jun 10, 2005 01:05:16 PT
Converted by report.pm 1.2 Sep 25, 2005 07:53:07 PT