NGC 5044, M3, M13, M57

by Jim Solomon

Here are my latest images with my unmodified 300D, and fellow Saratogan Rich S.'s modified (IR filter removed) 300D, all with my 8" Newtonian in various optical configurations.

NGC 5044 Galaxy Group in Virgo, MPCC-corrected 8" Newt at Prime (1000mm f/5), stock 300D:

M3, Globular Cluster in Canes Venatici, 2x Barlowed 8" Newt at 2250mm, f/11.2, stock 300D:

M13, Great (Globular) Cluster in Hercules, 2x Barlowed 8" Newtonian at 2250mm, f/11.2, Modified 300D:

M57, The Ring Nebula in Lyra, 2x Barlowed 8" Newtonian at 2250mm, f/11.2, Modified 300D:

M13 and M57 were shot last Saturday Night, which, as many of you who ventured out to FP and Coe can attest, was a night of horrid seeing and very high winds. But I was already set up to shoot with the Barlow so I let it rip. I'm amazed ANYTHING came out, considering how bad the conditions were. It was so bad I couldn't tell if I was focused. So, given all that, I'm pretty pleased with these. M3 and M57 responded nicely to Richardson-Lucy deconvolution. M13 not so much, so I posted the one without R-L applied. The NGC 5044 group could have used more exposure time, but, then again, what DSO image couldn't!? :)

Full image details (as well as links to full-size images in some cases) at the links above. Home page is:

Posted on sf-bay-tac Jun 08, 2005 09:45:04 PT
Converted by 1.2 Sep 25, 2005 07:50:47 PT