IHOP on Saturday June 4, 2005

by Jane Smith

At 11:29 PM 6/6/2005 -0700, Steve wrote:
Jane Smith made a brief appearance (sans scope), but appeared to be chased off by Randy's "no mooching views" policy ;-)

It's gratifying to know this individual's lack of hospitality did not go unnoticed by others. ;) I sobbed all the way home!

Still, it was wonderful to see such a great turnout. If that wasn't the largest group I've ever seen at IHOP, it's certainly the largest group of big-aperture telescopes I've seen there... Gregg's 25, Shneor and Alvin's 22s, Randy, Dennis, and Steve's 18s, Mike's 16"... and Bill Porte was there too (nice to meet you, Bill!). My "dinky" 8 would have felt out of place. ;)

See everyone at SSP in 4 weeks.

Posted on tac-sac Jun 07, 2005 08:25:36 PT
Converted by report.pm 1.2 Sep 24, 2005 21:53:30 PT