TSP 2005 Day 2

by Bill Drelling

Well, last night was a cloud out. The weather reports were somewhat promising, but the clouds rolled in nonetheless. Some of us ended up watching Alien v. Predator on a laptop. Cozy! I ended up reading more of "Photoshop for Astrophotographers" on my laptop.

By the way, I have seen the posts about TSP, SSP and OSP. I've never been to SSP or OSP, but have heard good things about both. For most folks it is simply a matter of how far you are willing to drive. Me, 1413 miles ain't that bad. But I've fallen in love with TSP. If the milkyway doesn't cast shadows at the other star parties, then TSP beats them. I'll be at SSP this year, so I can give a comparison at that time.

The other thing about star parties is the folks you go with. If you are by yourself it just isn't as much fun as with friends. I went to the Deep South Regional Star Gaze last October while enroute to SFB from Louisiana. The skies sucked. They were seriously light polluted and full of moisture. Since many of my friends were there, however, I'd rate it as a great star party--just not for purposes of observing.

As they say, "The stars are bigger and brighter deep in the heart of Texas." It is hard to beat these skies...of course you can't see anything with the clouds we are having.

Posted on sf-bay-tac May 03, 2005 21:12:28 PT
Converted by report.pm 1.2 Sep 20, 2005 11:53:01 PT