Coe 1 May 2005

by Sean McCauliff

I was there with a 15" f/5 Plettstone. My laser collimator was at home with my cats, thanks to Craig the night was not a waste. This was this first time I had tried to find some of the galaxies left on the deep map list. While looking for my target galaxies around Ursa Major I found there where many more galaxies in transit between the galaxies on my list. It was enjoyable to look them up in the NSOG and see what my new "discovery" might be. I stopped off at M106 on my way. I had not looked at it very long at the Messier marathon. There was a nice bright oval for the core and a halo around. The halo seemed to have a texture of snow that had fallen around the core. Just on the other side of a bright star was NGC4248 which was a small (relative to M160) elongated blob. Later that night I had found NGC6207 near M13 which I had wandered some other time, but did not not stop to identify it. In a 17mm Nagler it is near on edge of the field of view with some of the stars from M13 spilling into the fov from the other direction.

Posted on sf-bay-tac May 06, 2005 10:55:15 PT
Converted by 1.2 Sep 20, 2005 12:24:54 PT