
by Phil Chambers

The Saturday Pacheco event seemed to be a success. The word got out and we had quite a few spectators. Sufficient scopes showed up also. I counted 12 and realized I missed one or two so the number was somewhere between 12 and 15.

Pretty nice night. No dew heaters required. Slight breeze that made my unstable LX200 vibrate a bit but all in all, a nice evening. There were high clouds and scud early on and in the north (San Jose looked covered) but it seemed to clear some and the bright objects were subject to oohs and aahs for the entire night.

The observers hailed from all over (the guy next to me was from Carmel) but I didnt meet everyone.

The sky was pretty steady so details on Sat and Jup were pretty nice. Transparency could have been better but there was a 50% moon out anyway. Eliminated the need for flashlights.

2/3s of Bruce Jensen showed up (how many pounds did you lose??). I didnt recognize him until he spoke.

The entire area was green. Really nice time of year. We were set up on grass and that was very pleasant (at least it was much easier on my flat feet than the concrete at Houge the night before). There were also some very tame Cottontails around.

Posted on sf-bay-tac Apr 17, 2005 11:55:42 PT
Converted by 1.2 Apr 23, 2005 21:16:37 PT