by Richard Crisp
I used the 180EDT f/9 without a reducer so I could get M64 to fill the frame a bit better
I was able to take 9 x 10 minutes before calling it quits about midnight.
I don't have a quantitative measure of the seeing off-hand but I really missed an opportunity to shoot with the 18". I Think the seeing would have been good enoug to support it.
Still the prelim data for M64 wasn't too bad. With any luck I can finish the RGB and luminance tonight and have something to show tomorrow.
humidity was high: I had a lot of dew on the outside of the OTA, but it sure was nice to actually get out under the stars again. It seems like we may be getting closer to our standard drier weather pattern.
Posted on sf-bay-tac Mar 31, 2005 13:24:40 PT
Converted by 1.2 Apr 05, 2005 20:11:28 PT