Woodside Feb 01

by Michael Linnolt

Nice to see the list is back up! Have been doing my usual dozen or so cataclysmic variables every clear night since. Noteworthy, is that U GEM, the Target of Opportunity for RXTE, hasn't outburst yet! Its quite "late"...

Seeing was below average and poosibly some high clouds reduced my LM on some targets. Below are my estimates made with 8" reflector at 257x:

BTW, SS CYG, the brightest CV is currently near max around 8.5-9 and a easy target for beginning observers, even with those small refractors.

Posted on sf-bay-tac Feb 01, 2005 12:50:24 PT
Converted by 1.2 Feb 01, 2005 19:52:14 PT