Woodside Jan 03/04

by Michael Linnolt

Around 11PM I looked out the window and saw Saturn thru what had been a pea soup fog earlier in the evening. I grabbed the 8" scope and quickly started observing. The fog cleared almost completely for a while, and I got a gorgeous view of the winter milky way and comet Machholz both naked eye and in the scope. Both gas and dust tails were nicely visible, with the gas one detectable out about 2 field widths at 35x, so thats maybe 4 degrees! LM was about 6 or so, and I checked a few variable stars like CN ORI, in outburst at 13.5, but fading, V1159 ORI, <14.2 and U GEM still below the outburst threshold of 13.5 - That TOO star is due to do up anytime now!

With these weather conditions so changeable, its a good idea to check the sky frequently at night, and take your opportunities when they arise.

Posted on sf-bay-tac Jan 04, 2005 14:25:53 PT
Converted by 1.2 Jan 25, 2005 19:32:24 PT