by Michael Portuesi
At the star party, Moon viewing in the 10" Dobson was superb. At 90x, Hipparchus and Albategnius stood out, with two rays across the dark floor of Albategnius shortly after sunset (around 5:30 or so). By the time we left around 7 pm, the Sun had risen on the crater and the floor was half illuminated. I also caught the Hyginus Rille, which stood out easily in the first quarter illumination.
Later at home, we located Comet Machholz (C/2004 Q2) in both 12x60 binos and the 10-inch Dob. Nucleus and a large halo were visible in the bios, but the telescope better resolved the multiple tails. I drew a sketch:
Showed off Saturn at 200x to visitors who passed by the front of the house. Seeing was average, with moments of sharpness, the Cassini Divison, and banding on the planet visible. The rings are noticeably less tilted than they were in the spring, and the shadow of the planet on the rings is also less noticeable (probably because we are reasonably near opposition).
Posted on shallow-sky
Converted by 1.2 Jan 24, 2005 19:34:50 PT