by Jeff Crilly
The trip was sorta hastily planned by myself... I left work "early" at 5pm, but hadnt packed the car, etc, so I didnt get on-the-road until about 7pm. I arrived around 8:30 or so, and was the ~only~ person in the park, afaict. Spooky.
Up at the bathrooms where I setup, the wind was a howling in the trees (Peter called it correctly), and it howled all night long. It was right on the edge of usable, so I used it. No dew, until I started packing at about 3:30.
No clouds, very good transparency (it seemed), but the sky was less than steady -- I briefly looked at the trapezium -- the E/F stars were in and and out, sharp, but jumping around.
When focusing the camera, I just couldnt get sharp images in short exposures.
Anyhow, I spent the evening doing 300D images on M45 and M42 ... no results yet, I still need to get the shots out of the camera, process, etc.
Posted on sf-bay-tac Dec 16, 2004 11:29:38 PT
Converted by 1.2 Jan 23, 2005 19:14:58 PT