by Peter McKone
I was viewing double stars. Although there was dew, seeing was excellent. We got a nice split of .8 arc second Struve 2 through Albert's telescope and my Intes Mak. We all spent a bunch of time looking for S Cepheus, which I'm beginning to think may not really exist. None of the stars in the area looked at all red.
The Open Space Distric group about an hour for the meteors, before coming over to see if an alternate source of entertainment could be found. We looked at the Moon just before it set, along with some other eye candy, and then stood around and talked. The sky became darker and drier as the night went on. Temperature was 50 degrees when I left, shortly after midnight.
Posted on sf-bay-tac Nov 18, 2004 09:28:45 PT
Converted by 1.2 Jan 21, 2005 20:22:38 PT