by Mark Bracewell
James, Marek and a gentleman getting first light with an 8" newt in attendance. Fascinating irreverent patter between James and Marek. Not a real *serious* evening :)
Many fine things seen, several fine Naglers drooled upon by me. The most interesting view I forgot to ask where it was - it looked like this: I claimed that the triple was indeed a triple and not a hallucination, only visible to me with averted vision. James, do you recall where you were pointed? I'd like to look it up.
Did some barlow experiments, I have a barlow cell that'll screw in wherever a filter would go, in the diagonal, extension tube, eyepiece etc. Gives a pretty varied set of magnifications, I am guessing from 1.5 to 2.5. Dissapointing though because of the loss of contrast - I was thinking 20mm eyepiece + 2x barlow would be about the same as a 10mm eyepiece, but it just seems a lot dimmer - but hey, it was a $20 barlow.
Posted on sf-bay-tac Sep 14, 2004 12:04:38 PT
Converted by 1.2 Jan 11, 2005 20:41:28 PT