Solar Viewing at Crystal Springs rest stop

by Michael Swartz

I arrived at the Crystal Springs rest stop around 12:15pm and left around 3:45pm so I had a good amount of time to just hang around and relax.

There was a clear sky, soft cool breeze and a steady flow of folks driving in and out. About 40% came over and inquired about what I was doing. I was able to show the sun to a number of kids, adults and even a cute au-pair from Poland. Altogether I probably had 40 visitors or more.

The sun had only one significant spot today which was reported to be roughly the size of earth on the suns surface. There was some interesting surface detail which looked like there were waves and currents in the surface around the sunspot. There were also some interesting filiments and few pretty neat prominences. One looked somewhat like a hook. So maybe the sun is really just a Christmas orniment.

Hopefully others got out to have a look today too. It sure was a nice day to be out. Of course, sailing might have been nice too.

Have a great weekend!

Posted on sf-bay-tac Sep 05, 2004 16:49:21 PT
Converted by 1.2 Jan 09, 2005 08:41:12 PT