Pictorial OR: IHOP2 8-14-04

by Jake Burkart

Arrived at IHOP2 shortly after 7:00 to find Shneor and Alvin already setting up. The eastern sky was covered with some beautiful clouds. Alvin and I both shot some photos of storm clouds along the horizon.

http://www.skylovers.org/images/IHOP_eastern_storm.jpg (46KB) and a small version http://www.skylovers.org/images/IHOP_eastern_storm_sm.jpg (26KB). We were joined by Randy, Marsha, and a couple who would like to join our elite group (their names escape me at the moment.)

I started the evening by attempting to shoot a panorama of sorts of the Milky Way. There will be some serious image processing on this little project, so don't hold your breath for it. I looked at the lagoon nebula and decided to shoot it. http://www.skylovers.org/images/lagoon-08-14-04.jpg (74KB) I took a peek at a small version of the Ring Nebula in Shneor's scope. Maybe NGC 6804? It was a soft doughnut looking object. Thinking about doughnuts, I went to my truck to eat a peanut butter cookie.

I took a quick look at the dumbbell nebula and decided not to photograph it. I shot several images of the Whirlpool galaxy http://www.skylovers.org/images/whirlpool-08-14-04.jpg (43KB) but only two turned out to be usable due to the scope drifting or blown by the wind. It's not a bad image for only two exposures stacked.

I saw a strange cluster rising out of the northeast through the clouds (which were receding by this point) and asked Randy what that might be. He told me, "that's a large open cluster in Perseus." Perseus alpha something or another. It looked very pretty in the binoculars.

I finished off the night by shooting the Pinwheel (M33). Randy, Shneor, and I looked at it with H-Beta filter in Shneor's scope. There are some interesting h-beta regions in this galaxy. Anyway, I think this is my best galaxy photo yet. http://www.skylovers.org/images/m33_08-14-04.jpg (85KB).

Had a great evening with everyone!

Posted on tac-sac Aug 15, 2004 11:54:48 PT
Converted by report.pm 1.2 Jan 07, 2005 20:55:12 PT