solar viewing 7/21@borders

by Michael Swartz

The sun was very good today too. I arrived at the parking lot by borders at 237/880 at 11:30am and set up my little oasis. I out out my carpet, set up my tripod, scope and configured filters and binoviewer. Then set up tables, fold out chairs, positioned the cooler full of ice cold drinks, turned on the radio and then took a look at our local star.

Wow! Spot 652 is really a beauty. There are several spots to the group and plenty of surface detail and relief is visible. There appears to be many powerful currents surrounding that region and the surface seemed to me to have massage rolling waves that decended into the area around the spot 652.

The large prominence oposite spot 652 was still visible and quite impressive. Lots of other filiments were also visible.

Several people came to visit me as a result of my posting last night. quite a few people whose curiosity overcame them stopped by as well. Plenty of good views and conversation were had by all.

Wishing all a great day and I hope to meet more of you next time I can get out.

Posted on sf-bay-tac Jul 21, 2004 14:08:00 PT
Converted by 1.2 Jan 03, 2005 19:36:46 PT