Alan Nelms Memorial Star Party

by Jane Smith

At 09:36 PM 7/19/2004 -0700, you wrote:
Bill Chandler wrote:
So, over the weekend we noticed a 'significant' absence of the 'Main Whipping Crew' Randy, Jane, Jim, Gary, etc.


I don't know about Jim and Gary.

If memory serves, I think Jim was slaving away at his new kitchen remodel. Gary was, no doubt, preparing for his upcoming adventure on the high seas.

I survived half a week with Jane. We had a blast the whole time.

True, except for the times when Randy was pestering me. However, I have discovered the magic remedy.... non-response! It works wonders, plus it leaves him whining and frustrated, which I find *most* rewarding. :)

We hiked to the top of Lassen. That hike is not for casual hikers! I've been wanting to do it for 30 years. It was a stupendous feeling. Plus, the view was incredible. But it about killed me.

I think we were all "toast" when we got back. My body is still rebelling.

I had to carry Jane's water for her.

ACKKKK.... I knew Randy would milk this for all it was worth, and then some. He actually only carried my water bottle for about 5 minutes after which I discovered it would fit in my jacket pocket. He did, however, give me a drop of his water while we were on the peak, for which I am most grateful.. I think it saved my life!

I attempted to use the Saguaro Astronomy Club's 100 best NGC, but I found Steve's list to be superior, so I switched to it. Then it clouded up for the final time.

I also started on Steve's list Saturday night, just as the clouds started to roll in. I'm anxious to get back to it during August new moon. It's a great list!

All in all, we had a great time and I feel like I made a major life accomplishment in finally scaling Lassen Peak.

Yes, it was a good feeling to finally stand on the top of Mount Lassen. With us were Marsha Robinson, Steve Sargeant, and Bob Jardine. Steve and Bob are in such good shape I don't think the climb even phased them.

Jane with the sore calves

Posted on tac-sac Jul 19, 2004 22:02:09 PT
Converted by 1.2 Jan 05, 2005 22:11:20 PT