Shaver Lake 4-10 July

by Jamie Dillon

Took the Boy Scouts of Troop 60 to summer camp at Camp Chawanakee on Shaver Lake in the high foothills east of Fresno last week. Almost exactly a mile high.

There were two really good nights for observing. I'd taken Lucy, our ST 90, along. This was the 5th time the boys in our troop have been camping out with at least one scope, so there's some momentum building of astro literacy.

The best sight was the North American Nebula popping out occasionally, all vivid and nekked eye, shameless. Turns out the transparency was moderate, at 5.8 limiting magnitude in several counts. It was the seeing that got to be dazzling, rock steady. The kids got excited about Jupiter and its moons above the trees over the lake, plus Albireo, as well as the Milky Way starfields in Cygnus.

Just didn't want you to think DDK has been sitting on his observing thumbs all summer. Last night Andy Pierce had a big ole time in the SW lot on the Peak. Please stay tuned to this very spot.

Good weekend coming up and clear skies to all howsoever dispersed.

Posted on sf-bay-tac Jul 15, 2004 16:07:20 PT
Converted by 1.2 Jan 03, 2005 19:27:54 PT