by Richard Crisp
The skies had light cirrus at sunset but did clear shortly after. The temps were coolish, perhaps in the low 50s/high 40s but there was a SW breeze that was unrelenting until sunrise that made things feel a lot colder. Fortunately it was dry. No need for any dew equipment
Seeing was only average. Not bad but not good either. Darkness was very good and I think the transparency was also quite good, especially after midnight. TH Milky Way was very prominent.
I took a three hour image of M16 using my 3" f/4.5 Tak FCT-76 using emission line filters and my ST10XME.
Here's the image:
Posted on sf-bay-tac Jun 12, 2004 13:52:13 PT
Converted by 1.2 Jan 01, 2005 11:20:54 PT