First deep sky images: Starfire 180EDT

by Richard Crisp

Last night it all came together finally. I had clear skies, reasonably decent (but not great) seeing and the time to take images.

I have been itching to shoot some nebulae with emission line filters so those were the targets last night.

The first object was a portion of IC1318. I used [SII], [NII] and Ha filters on this one.

The second image was the Pickering's Triangle region of the Veil Nebula. I used [SII], Ha and [OIII] filters with this one.

I used my AP Starfire 180EDT f/9 scope for imaging these objects and used the FLI IMG1024S "Dream Machine" camera. I like to use the DM camera with the narrowband filters to keep "reasonable" exposure times compared to my ST10XME. The big 24 x 24 micron pixels really gather the faint light fast.

I think I am really going to like this new scope.

Posted on sf-bay-tac May 30, 2004 09:27:37 PT
Converted by 1.1 Jul 12, 2004 20:48:39 PT