FP Sat night

by Richard Crisp

Phil Chambers had it almost right yesterday: he said the weather looked identical to the day before. Well it was actually nicer in several respects than it was on Friday:

1) the KSBW FP Webcam was showing blue sky and puffy clouds during the daytime on Sat. It was socked in all day on Friday 2) the skies were clear in the valley between Gilroy and the Peak on Sat. They were cloudy mostly on Friday. 3) the Peak was clear upon arrival on Saturday at 4:30. It was cloudy on Friday around that time.

OK so that is where the differences ended. For by sundown, the Mountain Was Making Its Own Weather! That was the conclusion that Peter Natscher and Jeff Crilly reached. Ron Dammann concurred. What the heck, I went along for the ride myself.

OK, so about 10 I packed it in and took a drive down the hill with an eye to checking out Coyote on the way home. Wouldn't you know it: as soon as I dropped maybe 500feet of elevation it was clear and dark. So let's stop this rig and get out and look back to see if the peak had cleared: well it sort of looked clear. OK, then, back up to the peak and time to see what things look like from the SW parking lot.

Totally socked it as the park entrance was reached. Jamie Dillon remarked the Peak was like that "Lil Abner" character Joe Bfstplk (http://www.deniskitchen.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=BP_KSP.240) , that had the raincloud that always followed him around. So that is the story from the Peak last night.

Coyote? As I drove by Leavesley Rd,.I took a look out and concluded that Coyote was probably clear but wasn't going to remain so for much longer. The clouds were moving in that direction and it didn't look like they had very much further to go.

I was home and in bed by 1am. One of the really nice things about doing the Peak this time of year is cherries are in season and they are really tasty. At least I got to do that.

On the scope, all I can say is that it must be destined to be a superb performer: three nights in a row it is being subjected to "the curse".

Posted on sf-bay-tac May 23, 2004 08:46:52 PT
Converted by report.pm 1.1 Jul 12, 2004 20:12:11 PT