We got so hosed

by Jamie Dillon

Another OR for Saturday night ... It was like this. I was driving up 101 out of Salinas, and the whole north end of the Salinas Valley was nice and clear. Over Monterey Bay was clear blue sky. Over the Gabilans there was this layer of cloud hugging the mountaintops, right along the ridgeline north-south. Shoot, sez I, the wind's out of the West; it'll blow that stuff right off.

Heading up to the Peak you can see east of the Gabilans, and it was bright and clear. The saddle road up was the same. Up on the Peak proper, trees were starting to drip. Sheesh. Ray Duval's Dad was visiting from Santa Ana, and here Ray was gonna show him the glories of the Peak. Hmph. Crilly spoke of mountain effect.

Two reason for revisiting this sad chain of events. a) to complain. b) a good rule of thumb. At places like Coe you can be socked in and it'll maybe clear by 10. Not on the Peak. High stuff sure can blow away, but not when it's dripping off the trees.

For a followup, as a consolation I went and dug up the list of TAC slang and nicknames from September 2001, now updated. ZZ went and mentioned this list and I was all, whoa, hope it's extant here at home.

q.v., as the editors say ...

Posted on sf-bay-tac May 24, 2004 23:31:52 PT
Converted by report.pm 1.1 Jul 12, 2004 20:31:08 PT