Quick OR: IHOP (Saturday)

by Alvin Huey

Brian Zehring and Marsha Robinson and I met at IHOP last night. We were greeted with somewhat threatening high clouds to the west...but that never bothered us, if we stayed away from the western horizon up to about 45 degrees. It is part the sky dome anyways...no nothing is lost, at least from my end.

Transparency was good, but seeing was poor. Stars were bloated even at low power. Since I'm looking at Arps, I didn't worry about it much.

I started my Arp survey last month and continued last night. I've observed the following in URSA Major; 294, 18, 24, 27, 62, 97, 104, 105, 148 and 160. Also looked at Abell 26(?) in Virgo (need to double check my notes). One quick note though, the Supernova in Arp 294 was seen most of the time when the sky steadied enough. It appeared as a double stellar nucleus with the supernova off-centered. It was obviously easier thru the 30".

I'll post a OR later this week as I'm cooking right now.

Posted on tac-sac Apr 11, 2004 19:18:58 PT
Converted by report.pm 1.1 Jul 10, 2004 16:49:21 PT