Quick OR from Ihop on NGC 3786 and 3788

by Brian Zehring

Seeing was terrible last night at IHOP as predicted. Transparency was good and we were cloud-free for the entire evening. Winds picked up about 1:30, fortunately right as we were leaving. Marsha and Alvin were there as well.

Alvin and I were both looking at Arp's in Ursa Major. We looked at ARP 294 first through Alvin's 22" and then through the 30". There was more structure visible in 3788 in the 30", the galaxy was elongated and dust lanes were visible. 3786 looked smaller, we were not able to see the outer arms barely visible in the photograph. The host galaxy appeared to have two fairly bright stellar-looking nuclei side-by-side. During a moment of clear seeing I was able to briefly see the supernova as a pinpoint star next to nucleus.

Very cool....

Posted on sf-bay-tac Apr 11, 2004 15:43:34 PT
Converted by report.pm 1.1 Jul 10, 2004 16:33:40 PT