NGC4490/NGC4485 Interacting Irregular Galaxies and NGC5504/neighbors

by Richard Crisp

On Saturday night we had some pretty good seeing so I ended up taking some images.

One object I shot was NGC4490/NGC4485, a nifty pair of interacting galaxies.

I got part of the image taken on Sat night and finished the data last night.

It is 3.5 hours total exposure.

Another thing I imaged on Sat night was NGC5504 and some of its closeby neighbors. These are tiny little galaxies, and very dim. The brighest of the three major ones is NGC5504 and it is Mag 13.7. IC4383, is Mag 15.3 and the dimmest of the trio, CGCG103-113, weighs in a smidge over Mag 18

These little galaxies are very tiny too, with the largest, NGC5504, listed as being 1.1 x 1.3 arc-minutes.

There are some other faint smudges in the image, but I am not sure what they are.

Posted on sf-bay-tac Mar 29, 2004 17:45:46 PT
Converted by 1.1 Jul 09, 2004 23:32:12 PT