by William Blakeslee
When I got to the observing area, I was startled to see a pick-up truck out in the open area. Thinking someone might be observing, I doused my lights and continued in. From a safe distance, I shouted to attract attention to myself, but no answer came back. I then proceeded to turn my headlights back on to find an old bashed up pick-up which was missing a lot of parts. I got out and checked it over. It was duely labeled with a sticker from the El Dorado County Sherriff's office which was not quite legible. Finding no one nearby, I started to check out the location. The vast majority of the ground is dry and solid to walk or drive on. There were two small areas which lay a little lower and held small puddles.
Having come dressed only in sweats and my coat still lying on the passenger seat, it was a pleasant surprise to not be cold.
Much of the sky wascovered with high thin clouds, but there were promising glimpses of stars. Venus was quite visible through a cloud, so I decided to wait a while and see what developed. It wasn't long before the clouds began to clear, and by 7:30 it was clear and quite dark, and steady.
I was able to see stars of magnitude 5 easily, but had to strain to imagine 6th magnitude. It wasn't even 8:00 yet, so possibly, the LVM improved later. I got out my trusty 20X80 Oberwerks and had a little look around. I can promise any of you with Messier Marathon plans a hard time with anything in the vicinity of Venus. Holy Cow is it bright!
After a while, I had seen a few of my faves and dwelled an appropriately long time on M42, so I decided to head back here to Placerville and get this posted tonight. Never did put my coat on.
Conditions at IHOP-2 are vastly better than I expected with the exception of the Pick-up (a wreck!) and the two small puddles which can be avoided, unless the observing group is very large. Another plus, perhaps of the season, and the weeknight, was that I never saw another occupied vehicle the whole time.
Posted on tac-sac Thu Mar 11 21:23:35 2004 PT
Converted by 1.0 Wed Jul 7 22:30:07 2004 PT