Backyard, Southbay

by Bob Czerwinski

Shneor wrote:
I arrived at Fiddletown at 4 p.m. after an uneventful trip from Davis. [snip...]

By now, the dew was soaking everything and the sky had deteriorated, so we decided to pack (around 11:30 or a bit later, I think). All in all, a very worthwhile night, despite the dew.

Ah, vicarious observing! The story of my January 2004! ;^)

Thanks for sharing the views, Shneor.

Here in the South Bay, under relatively clear but not-too-transparent skies, about 7pm I set up my 12.5" in my San Jose front yard, figuring to do a bit of asteroid chasing a bit later on. Come 9pm, however, my little corner of the world was completely clouded over, with the humidity approaching flood-stage. Just god-awful conditions. Heading to the office at 5:30am, you'd have sworn it was raining. Heaviest fog I've experienced in quite a while.

Hope those in slightly higher elevations - or in other sections of the Greater Bay Area - escaped these deplorable conditions.

Posted on tac-sac Mon Jan 19 16:58:29 2004 PT
Converted by 1.0 Sat Jan 24 23:10:42 2004 PT