by Bruce Jensen
As we noted clouds beginning to push in at about 7:45 PM, we raced against time to get as many people to the oculars while giving them a good opportunity to see what was up. By 8:15, though, people were peering through tiny holes in the clouds to glimpse fleeting views of the brightest objects, and by 8:30 we lost the sky - but not before putting up a gallant battle! The science fair attendees once again went home happy.
Thanks to the astronomers for doing their best to come out and help - it was a smaller group than we sometimes have, but they pulled it off gracefully. Thanks also to the astronomers who indicated their interest but ultimately were unable to help - be assured, your offers were appreciated. Also, to Principal Joanne Stanley and Science Coordinator Angela Higgerson for their help in preparation, to my wonderful wife Pamela for her cheerful support of my own habits, and to the children of Pioneer School for coming up with a great main event. Congratulations to Ms. Higgerson on her new baby!
Other schools in Union City are now asking us to do star events for them as well, including Delaine Eastin School on the 12th of February. Good show, guys, and here's hoping that all of our events can continue to bring the joy and science of the night sky to the next generation of observers.
Posted on sf-bay-tac Sun Jan 25 21:14:15 2004 PT
Converted by 1.0 Thu Jan 29 20:47:58 2004 PT