by Evan Garber
My wife and I broke the pledge we made at athe start of the job - to not do any entertaining - as the place was to much of a mess and a bit dangerous. Last Friday night, I had my first on site (back acre) star party for some thirty friends and neighbors including about fifteen kids (mostly very young kids) with the assistance of a local Sonoma friend who brought over his 5 inch refractor.
We had only three scopes - but this seemed to work as we planned the observing ahead of time. We set up one refractor (with the cheaper Meade eye pieces) so the little ones could get a first look at the moon and (much later) Mars. A second refractor was set up for the adults.. This went well and many had their first look through a scope. . It reminded me a bit of Shingletown public viewing night - except I knew the people I was speaking too. After ten about eight of us went down to my domed observatory which I had set up for photography and, after a couple of minor problems, I was able to shoot relatively bright objects (to save time) and show the viewers the process of amateur astrophotography. This was a big hit with the participants as they could all watch the objects come on screen together. Objects viewed included M27, M13 and other bright objects suitable for first time viewing.
I count the biggest success being the request of one of the participnats for me to purchase a 6 inch Dob for him and his son as he wished to start viewing at his home up north of Lake Sonoma. He is the manager of a large winery up there and his skies are great.
I am looking forwrd to Calstar and seeing TACo's once again.