by Robert Leyland
No report from me this time, as I was just candy watching, having arrived late after a Sonoma County Astro Society event.
Just a few quick notes about the night.
There were upwards of twenty vehicles and more observers, and it was good to catch up with friends we hadn't seen for a bit.
Jane was there, and valiantly working her telescope despite sleep deprivation :-)
Steve G. magnificent new Starmaster made it's first deep sky outing, and Steve was happy as a clam in a warm current.
Norm and Linda had a new toy that involved more gadgets, whizzmos and a CCD display that was peeking at galaxies all over the place. The hit of the night was the shot created when Dave (from Visalia) inadvertently directed a pulsed green laser over the viewing area. This created an interesting dot-dash line across the image.
Len Nelson came up got a few good views, except for the one of M40 :-), along with Bob Johnston of SCAS, with his Nexstar.
The SFAA contingent was there in force too, Bob Naeye, Bob Berta and many others I didn't recognise.
Dave Silva was happily working through his Herald-Bobroff atlas (nice charts).
Conditions were quite favourable, despite daytime wispiness, and CSC warnings; warm weather and clear skies prevailed.
A fun night out.