by Matthew Marcus
It then got dark, and we started doing some real observing, but with an eye out to a threatening mass of clouds in the west. Sure enough, it came over, and I started moving around, trying to evade it. The Water was clear for a while, so I got M77 in Cetus, tried for something else, got clouded, went for Eridanus, got a galaxy, got clouded, then I figured I'd go below the cloud layer by hitting Sculptor, but I didn't go quite low enough. By that time, Taurus was my next hope for a clear patch, so I hit it. I got Do14, a real Navarette of an OC, then got clouded. Onto Orion, where I got 30 seconds of the 1973-1975-1977 complex before... Well, you get the idea. By that time, the wind was kicking up pretty good and the clouds covering most of the sky, so we waited a bit. This just got us a good view of overcast and more wind, so we packed up. I was outta there by 9:30. Oh, well. Better than no observing!
At least I didn't get dewed.