by Stacy Jo McDermott
What was truely exciting is the discussion with everyone afterwards about where to go to watch the Perseids. One woman who is just getting into astronomy was very excited about the event - and the fact that all she needed was a lounge chair and a blanket. "I'm well on my way in my new hobby of astronomy" she said.
All in all, it turned out to be a fine star party, er, maybe I should say, a fog party.
The speaker ended up being myself when Randy, the SFAA City Star Party called me the night before in a panic about having a back up speaker. I said I'd be happy to help out. Taking a cue from the recent discussions about observing and how it related to public outreach, I decided to give a little talk on the upcoming Perseid Meteor Show and how, without any equipment (except for ones' eyes) that "you too can become an astronomical observer".