Great Night at MB - 6/12/2002

by Phil Chambers

It was a good night at MB alright. There was a fog layer over part of the SJ area and the Milky Way was showing quite nicely.

Everyone complained about 1. the guy with the tractor pulled RT (he was making a firebreak just off the parking lot) 2. the cold. When is spring observing going to be in effect???

However, the sky was dark and transparent to the south and west (always pretty good there but better last night)

For my part, I picked up about 10 objects on my binoc messier survey and talked a lot.

We took turns giving Pete S.... a bad time. He brought all his imaging equipment up in his Porche but evidentally didnt have room for a heavy coat :-) He was happily imaging away, though, and everything was performing quite well.