by Rich Neuschaefer
You're very welcome.
There were lots of telescopes, all pointed at the Sun. I had my little 92mm f/4.9 AP Stowaway APO refractor. It was mounted on an AP 400 GE mount. The filter was a Kentrick white light pre filter using Baader AstroSolar film. The AstroSolar film gives sharp, high contrast images of the Sun.
The Moon started taking a bite out of the bottom of the Sun. We watched slowly move over the Sun, covering three large sunspot groups. You could see mountains on the limb of the moon silhoutted against the Sun. The Moon covered a little more than 70% of the of the Sun.
One young lady was there with her father. She was making a number of sketches of the Moon and Sun, also taking note of the time of each sketch.
Phil C. had a video camera in the back of his telescope showing live images of the eclipse on a monitor. The SJAA had their H Alpha scope set up showing ruby red views of the Sun.
It was a fun eclipse party. Plenty of telescopes and quite a few visitors. Nice BBQ after the eclipse.