Halloween, Full Moon Observing
Bruce Anderson
I did the moon thing last night too, sans the TV. My angle was to don
my Merlin the Magician cap, and see how many people could see the "blue"
through my scope........with no mention that the moon was "blue" because I
inserted a light blue filter on the eyepiece. Most of the adults didn't
notice, but some of the kids picked up on it right away- I had one little
middle-school aged Dracula who not only noticed the blue filter, he told me
the real definition of a "blue" moon, and then proceeded to point out Mars
a couple of constellations.........I asked him if he had a scope, and he
no- I also asked him how he knew about all of this stuff (school?) and he
that he was just interested in space, and did a lot of reading........I hope
somebody else notices his interest.
Our house undergoes quite a transformation in the days leading up
Halloween, from a nondescript house in the middle of suburbia, to a medieval
fortress surrounded and protected by a gauntlet of skeletons, ghouls, and
ghosts. Each year my wife and I have added another feature, and between the
fog machine, black lights, and assorted bats, rats, skeletons, ghosts, and
goblins, it's quite a spectacle. Last year we won a neighborhood decorating
contest, and my kids usually start asking me to take the stuff down from the
attic around August. I had quite a crowd out in front of the house between
about 7 and 8.......we live in an area that only has one road leading into
out of it, so not a lot of auto traffic. Wish I'd thought to have a look at
Mars before I packed it in.........
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