by Matthew Marcus
My observing project was to see all the objects listed in the article about Sagitta, Vulpecula and Delphinus in the September Astronomy. I got all but one - Palomar 10, a 13.2 mag glob. I might have gotten that too, with a good enough finder. Anyway, here's a list of objects logged (in a C8), in order of logging them:
6802 | OC in Vul, right off the E-most star of the Coathanger. An elliptical haze with stars popping in and out. |
6820/6823 | OC/EN in Vul. The nebula was hard, especially since the moon was still up. |
6830 | OC in Vul. |
M71 | GC in Sag. Looks like a dense OC, but it's a nearby glob. Haze in center partially resolved into stars in averted vision. |
Harvard 20 | OC 2/3 degree from M71. One of those little-known neighbors. |
6886 | A 4" PN in Sag which I had to blink to find. Showed a disk at 250x. |
6905 | Round PN in Sag nicely framed by a triangle of stars. No central star seen, despite report in Astronomy article which said I should be able to see it. |
6891 | PN in Del, 14". No filter needed. |
6934 | GC in Del. Some hints of stars in outlying regions. Not much condensed. |
6940 | Big OC in Del. Has two starry regions separated by a dark channel. |
7006 | Small GC in Del. Unresolved. |
45 | Gx in Cet. Barely detected, even though it was on the meridian at the time. |
428 | Gx in Cet. A strongly elliptical glow in the curve of an arc of stars. |
578 | Gx in Cet. An elliptical blob. |
1087 | Another 'blob' Gx in Cet. |
24 | One of the innumerable Sculptor galaxies. |
1097 | Gx in For. Bright and elongated with a distinct core. |
1398 | Gx in For. My sketch makes it seem to be a face-on spiral with a distinct core. |
I410 | EN in Aur. Photos show this to be a complete circle around an OC, like the Rosette, but I saw only part of it, which looked like an arch. Ultrablock was needed to pick it out. I should have tried the Ranger. |
1931 | RN in Aur. At least, I think it's a reflection nebula because it doesn't respond to filtration. An elongated streak, like a tilted spiral galaxy, surrounding two (3?) stars. Required 250x to split the stars. |
Fornax cluster | I drew a field around 1380, then tried to match it to the plot in Uranometria. I got matches for 7, with two unaccounted for. These two are probably faint stars my imagination promoted to galactic status. |
I left at 5AM, not because it was getting light (it wasn't), but because the fog had climbed up to the level of the parking lot. I'd saved looking at the big planets in my own scope for last, and had to do that in a big hurry as the fog was thickening around me. By the time I had taken down, it was pea soup.