by Jamie Dillon
Things I'll remember:
5-yr old Matthew LeFevre running up to a 10-yr old boy he was about to meet. Liam and young LeFevre hit it off big.
Recognizing Richard Ozer in full daylight.
Chasing globulars in Ophiuchus. They kept popping up in the chart. Had 3 left in southern Oph when those stars ducked behind the hills. Details to follow.
Seeing a highly varied set of people getting along amiably. A gathering of the tribes from so many angles.
Missing buddies who had extraneous committments but should have been there. New jobs, new towns, weddings.
Hanging out with the non-hurry boys Sunday morning, drinking our readymade chai in honor of our brother now in TAC-South. Long conversation about life and poverty and sanitation and how maybe enough people have been killed.
The Veil in Carl's 18. The Perseus Cluster in Albert's scope, 9 galaxies that I remember offhand in the same field.
Serious gustation at night: good coffee, a raft of different cookies.
Turley managing to suspend the laws of causation for Liam Dillon. I'll hafta explain this face to face, too complicated for e-mail. The kid's eyes were big as saucers.
We also only had one night, but it sure was refreshing.