Observing from Roseville night of 7/19/01

by Mike Conley

Sky appeared clear with much twinkling
Faintest star observed through telescope mag 11.7
* New objects for me
Old objects being observed for reference value

EquipmentXT8 Orion (8" F/6 Dobsonian)
EP's21mm 85* fov Siebert, 32mm Plossel with UHC and 25mm Plossl with O-III

The 21mm provided a better view without filter than the Plossels but since the Plossels were available, threaded for filters, they came in very handy providing a good view with the filters and allowing me to switch back and forth very quickly.

ChartsStarry Night Pro software on laptop

Since I got the O-III and UHC filters I would HIGHLY recommend them for anyone observing in the light polluted skies of the city. If I had to choose one over the other I would definitely choose the O-III for city viewing however dark skies may be another story.

Seeing prevented observing any detail
M8 Lagoon Nebula(Cluster with Nebula) Mag 5.0, distance 6,500 ly
Almost no nebulosity using 21mm EP without filter
2 Clouds visible with separation using 32mm with UHC
2 Clouds and faint 3rd cloud using 25mm with O-III
* NGC6595(Open Cluster) Mag 7.0, distance not listed
Faint fuzzy with no detail
* NGC6589(description not listed) Mag not listed
No Nebulosity with any EP
* IC1284(Diffuse Nebula) Mag not listed
No Nebulosity with any EP
* TYC6269-4010-1Mag 6.78, distance 340 ly
* TYC6269-4009-1Mag 7.75, distance 553 ly
At first I thought this was a double since they were about 10" apart but SNP labels them as singles possibly because they are actually 213 ly apart.
* M24Delle Caustiche (Cluster with Nebula) Mag 11.50, distance 10,000 ly
Slight nebulosity with 25mm/O-III and 32mm/UHC
* M18(Open Cluster) Mag 8.0, distance 6,000 ly
Not very bright with light pollution
* NGC6596/IC4701(Open Cluster/Diffuse Nebula) Mag not listed
Not very bright with light pollution
M17Swan Nebula (Cluster with Nebula)Mag 7.0, distance 5,000 ly
Faint almost swan with 21mm no filter
Definite swan with O-III and UHC
*NGC6604(Cluster with Nebulosity)
Very faint nebula with O-III and UHC

Threshold check with TYC5685-3140-1 Mag 11.31 barely visible in 21mm