Antares split by TV-102

by Ron Bhanukitsiri

I've been trying to split Antares now and then without much luck until tonight. I was out observing Mars. Seeing has been terrible (like watching Mars under water) but steadily improved.

Before I packed it in around 11pm, I took a look at the full moon and Plato craterlets. I've been able to see only one craterlet so far (craterlet #1). But tonight I saw 3 (#1, #4 and either #3 or #5). I also caught a glimpse of a tiny craterlet between #1 and #6, but I'm not 100% sure about this.

Have you guys seen all the 9 craterlets shown in this link?

Realizing this feat for the first time in the TV-102 because the seeing has become so steady, I pointed it at Antares. I finally nailed its companion with my 5mm Tak LE (176x). I wasn't prepare to observe Antares and couldn't remember what the color should have been like, but noted that I saw green (I later confirmed this when I came back to my PC). I increased the magnification to 220x with my 4mm TV Radian and 293x with the 3mm TV Radian. Interestingly, the split was cleaner at 176x with the companion just touching the diffraction ring. At higher magnification, it was more difficult to nail the companion, i.e, I seemed to have magnify the primary's diffraction ring :-(. I wonder if someone can help explain this.

All in all, it's incredible what my rather limited diffraction-limited 4" refractor can do!