Easy Pickings

by Jeff Blanchard

James T, Denny and I made up to the Peak last night for a solid mid week observing session. Transparency was great though the fog refused to move in even after a number of my attempts to coax it closer. Still very good skies for an in town locale with lots of Milky Way and rifts displayed as the night progressed. Seeing was not the best with stars showing some twinkling later in the evening and Mars viewing being worthless even masked. I had planned to be working off my B list anyways and the skies were more than adequate. We set up at Coulter because I wanted to work Sag. as it rose - may be my last chance this year :-(. Good call as the ridge line and SW lot appeared to be taking some gusts. Stayed warm and dry until we left around 4am and 2-3 cars were all that flashed us as the cruised by below us. Briefly, highlights included a field of 8 and change galaxies in James 8" SCT with the Green Beret Nagler, finally making out the eagle shape in the M16 nebula (don't know why it took so long it was pretty obvious - duh!), backing way out to get NGC 4656 and 4631 dancing around the same FOV, and revisiting one of my favorites the ethereal glob NGC 5466 about 5 degrees east of M3. Having streched my scopes limits some last weekend it was a fun to spend a night of point and shot observing. Night ended with a beautiful low tide dawn from the cliff above Capitola. Hope the MB folks and backyard observers were equally pleased.