by James Turley
I want to thank everyone who showed up for the Saratoga High School event Wed night, last week. It was quite a success, moony skies notwithstanding.
Kevin Schuerman, Phil Terzian, Robert Schaffer, myself and the Science teacher, EJ Lux were present, with about 7 scopes. EJ is an accomplished observer, himself.
EJ's has two astronomy classes, and a total of about 60 students. 2 C8, Radians. Good equipment...from donations.
We paced the evening with the usual bright Spring objects. Staring with Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury. Then M3, M13, M65, M81/82 (good!)....the principal, Dr. Kevin Skelly, dropped by. All in all, about 30 kids and adults. The doubles were a hit, especially Mizar...UMa was nicely placed. He was quite impressed with the fine display of astro gear...
We had some sweet scopes, indeed. My 114ED on a fine Vixen Pier, my C8, Kevin's beautiful Intes 7" MakNewt on a G11, Phil's Tak FS128 on a G11, Robert's 8" EQ mounted Newt. Plus the school's 2 C8's. And, can you believe? No dobs. Mark..we missed you!
A lot of enthusiasm from these bright kids.
Thanks guys for helping!