I was out on the sidewalk last night. Since there was only one target available (the moon) I took out the BT-80 instead of a tracking scope. Seeing wasn't bad even though the moon was low and the temperature was quite reasonable.
Unfortunately, the number of trick or treaters was so low (4 groups, totalling 12 people) that it made for a lonely vigil out there under the streetlight. 10 of the 12 were teenagers in some pretty elaborate costumes.
People really enjoyed the views of the craters and mountains along the terminator, especially the "string of pearls" effects of the lit peaks on the rims of craters just beyond the terminator.
Saturn came up over the rooflines just after the moon went away into clouds down near the horizon. Two of the groups came by a second time (they worked one side of our long block, then came back on the other side) and got a somewhat unsteady view of Saturn (it was down quite low and bouncing around). Nonetheless, the enthusiasm at seeing the rings was evident.
Believe it or not, dew struck right after the last candy-ghouls came by. I was going to stay out a bit and catch Jupiter but every piece of glass clouded up almost at the same instant and halos were evident around the streetlights. I did manage one peek at Pleiades but it was pretty washed out.
Ah well, wait'll next year!