Montebello Last Night

by Phil Chambers

Montebello was populated by 4 of us last night. We were wondering aloud what happened to San Jose as the light dome in that direction was virtually non existant.

Turns out it was fog as I found out on the drive home. The peninsula light dome was evident, however.

As a result it was very dark with the Milky Way showing up quite readily. The sky was very transparent but the seeing was pretty shakey. Antares would not split in my N5 like it did a week ago. I could make it out but it was dancing over 1/4 of the eyepiece. (230x or so).

The dumbell looked quite nice as well as several of the M galaxies. It was a good evening there and I folded shop about 12:30. I noticed one good meteor that left a 5 deg or so trail of sparks (it may have bounced off). My heart attack of the evening came while concentrating on Antares at high power. An airliner drove right across the middle, filling the eyepiece. Even at the oblique angle, the wingtips were barely on the ep and the cabin lights left a white streak across the fov. Its a good thing nothing was behind me when that happened !!!