Wonderful crescent Moon & Venus...

by Paul LeFevre, Robert Baldwin, Bob Czerwinski, Mark Wagner

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 06:48:59 PST Paul LeFevre
If anybody is up at this hour, the crescent Moon & Venus are very close together this morning, and make a nice view to the East...looks great with the pink skies of arriving dawn.

07:01:16 Robert Baldwin
Good Morning Paul

Yes very nice, I received two phone calls. -Bob

07:27:51 Bob Czerwinski
Can you spell h-e-a-v-y f-o-g, boys and girls? It was completely socked in at my place in south SJ this morning. Glad you were able to enjoy the view!

07:27:06 Mark Wagner
Same here Bob. But yesterday morning I was struck by the view of the moon and Venus abut 12 degrees apart as the sky was brightening. Soon, the cloud layer, broken and just approaching over the Santa Cruz Mountains, was lit pink and red by the sunrise. The combination of moon, planet and colorful sunrise was spectacular.

07:32:05 Paul LeFevre
Sorry you guys got fogged out this morning. It's wonderfully clear up here in San Rafael. I took a couple of photos of the close pairing (seems to be about 5 degrees apart this morning), so if they turn out I'll post them :)